[情報] 川普:澤倫斯基是一位獨裁者



標題: 川普:澤倫斯基是一位獨裁者






Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the
United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War
that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without
the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. The United States has
spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is
guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. Why didn’t Sleepy
Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to
Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On
top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.
” He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only
thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.”
A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast
or he is not going to have a Country left.
In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with
Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can
do. Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy
probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. I love Ukraine, but
Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS
have unnecessarily died – And so it continues….

烏克蘭跟台積電一樣 都要被川普桶屁眼了

司機快投降結束戰爭 貢獻股市吧

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (新加坡) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1739982718.A.7C1.html
ABC6104781樓真是諷刺 02/20 00:34
s5050152樓在俄羅斯前面說獨裁者 02/20 00:34
jumilin9273樓悲劇 02/20 00:34
capirex4樓OUT 02/20 00:35
abc210869995樓神經病川普 02/20 00:36
Waitaha6樓在說自己? 02/20 00:36
jimmyliu12177樓狗兒子賴清德呢? 02/20 00:36
hk1299008樓笑死 好像俄羅斯不是獨裁者一樣 02/20 00:36
misthide9樓我也知道納坦雅胡是一位獨裁者啊 川普要處理嗎? 02/20 00:36
jwzkp10樓司機可以切腹了 02/20 00:36
jei0111樓就算戰爭中普丁還是選舉,這人選都不選 02/20 00:37
freshman12樓XD 02/20 00:38
smart00700713樓好慘 02/20 00:38
jympin14樓好了啦 舔俄仔 02/20 00:38
hk12990015樓戰爭中不選舉美國總統也幹過 所以他們也獨裁? 02/20 00:38
fourkg16樓川普想要把澤換下台 戰爭結束 VVVVVVVV 02/20 00:39
本人17樓司機真的很沒品 拖烏克蘭平民打仗死一堆人 02/20 00:40
本人18樓司機真的很沒品 拖烏克蘭平民打仗死一堆人 02/20 00:40
vvnews19樓美國站對俄羅斯了耶 版上舔美仔還沒跟上? 02/20 00:40
本人20樓戒嚴獨裁者 快投降貢獻股市啦 全球股市就等司機投降 02/20 00:40
本人21樓戒嚴獨裁者 快投降貢獻股市啦 全球股市就等司機投降 02/20 00:40
roy38492122樓這種言論也說得出來真的是瘋了 02/20 00:40
jei0123樓美國似乎也獨裁過,看看林肯就不會這樣 02/20 00:40
Toge24樓以色列: 02/20 00:40
s50501525樓要不然你戰爭不也是都拖民眾打仗嗎 02/20 00:40
Fuji26樓講得好像經過選舉就不是獨裁者一樣.... 02/20 00:41
hk12990027樓有種叫以色列停火啦 那對股市幫助更大 02/20 00:42
Brioni28樓停戰美股還會噴嗎?應該無感了吧 02/20 00:42
iamacomic29樓停戰一定噴啊,基建都是利多 02/20 00:45
saber5011630樓股…點呢 02/20 00:45