Re: [情報]川普:澤倫斯基是一位獨裁者










: 標題: 川普:澤倫斯基是一位獨裁者
: 來源:
: 川普於X最新發文
: 網址:

: 內文:
: 翻譯重點:
: 沒有經過選舉的獨裁者,澤連斯基最好快點行動,否則他將永遠失去國家。
: 原文
: Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the
: United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War
: that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without
: the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. The United States has
: spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is
: guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. Why didn’t Sleepy
: Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to
: Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On
: top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.
: ” He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only
: thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.”
: A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast
: or he is not going to have a Country left.
: In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with
: Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can
: do. Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy
: probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. I love Ukraine, but
: Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS
: have unnecessarily died – And so it continues….
: 烏克蘭跟台積電一樣 都要被川普桶屁眼了
: 司機快投降結束戰爭 貢獻股市吧

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patri00521樓只要跟川普有關的 通通能發 呵呵 02/20 11:14
BIGETC2樓川普文還能扯總經 這篇? 02/20 11:28
catboost3樓鼓版現在都沒標的文了都在洗新聞 02/20 11:29
nisi07734樓 02/20 11:40
nisi07735樓昨天還有行星撞地球的 02/20 11:40
hcwang11266樓川投顧的時代 不要不信 02/20 11:51
epephanylo7樓這篇一樣沒有呀..... 02/20 12:12
bigtree038樓這邊風氣變了 02/20 13:09
TaiwanNeko9樓什麼隔壁板柵欄,整個PTT都在柵欄內 02/20 13:12
askaa10樓真的超奇怪der 古板都不古板了 難怪大老都閃了 02/20 13:34
THE708811樓就柵欄破洞 02/20 13:35
PennyFinn12樓哪裡人多就會有 02/20 14:04
hasebe13樓一直都這樣啊,我疫情來就是了 02/20 16:24
hasebe14樓認真講這個有啦,聯想到台海-外資進場意願 02/20 16:25
hasebe15樓反正資訊時代自己要會過濾判斷訊息 02/20 16:26
TCPai16樓川投顧欸 02/20 20:24
jamesho874317樓早就被各式網軍入侵了 不只股票板整個ptt早都是了 02/21 00:06
jamesho874318樓網路時代各種勢力網軍都在搶帶風向 洗腦洗觀念 02/21 00:10