


Samsung develops industry’s first security chip with hardware PQC


2025.02.27 09:32

Seok Jin Lee


Samsung said on Tuesday that it has developed a security chip that can defend
against cyber attacks from a quantum computer.

The company’s System LSI Business, its logic unit, posted on its blog that
its S3SSE2A was a secure element (SE) that is equipped with hardware
post-quantum cryptography (PQC).

S3SSE2A is a solution that will protect the most important data on
smartphones, Samsung said.

According to the South Korean tech giant, most SE are inside the application
processor’s security block but Samsung’s new chip is a discrete secure
element (DSE) that independently process security workload, save relevant
data, and sends the results to the processor.

This means DSE still functions while the processor is under attack, the tech
giant said. Samples of S3SSE2A have already been sent to potential customers,
the company added.

Having the SE on the processor allows for faster data transfer speed as they
are physically closer, but this means the package also becomes larger.

For smartphones, which are smaller than PCs and servers, this makes the chip
more complex and drives down power efficiency.

Most smartphone makers have no incentive to develop DSE as they usually use
processors form an outside vendor. So if they demand PQC support to Qualcomm,
they will need to pay more per unit.

However, Samsung manufactures its own processor and smartphones. It can put
the SE inside its Exynos processor but this is costly as they have to
redesign their computing subsystem so DSE has an advantage.

Exynos’ CPU core is also Arm-based and putting in a logic gate for PQC on
the processor is likely to be limited by licensing.

Galaxy S25 supported PQC through software rather than hardware. Samsung
combined its own Knox Matrix security platform with post-quantum enhanced
data protection technology. Adding hardware to this will increase decryption
speed even further.

DSE is a complex integrated circuit comprised of a variety of components.
Samsung System LSI used various component technologies from outside vendors,
sources said.

Meanwhile, Apple unveiled its PQ3, or post quantum 3th, protocol in February
last year for iMessage security. Most chat apps have Level 0 to 1 security
level but PQ3 offers Level 3 security.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1740631067.A.F60.html
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