川普本人 Truth Social
Drugs are still pouring into our Country from Mexico and Canada at very high and unacceptable levels. A large percentage of these Drugs, much of them in the form of Fentanyl, are made in, and supplied by, China. More than 100,000 people died last year due to the distribution of these dangerous and highly addictive POISONS. Millions of people have died over the last two decades. The families of the victims are devastated and, in many instances, virtually destroyed. We cannot allow this scourge to continue
to harm the USA, and therefore, until it stops, or is seriously limited, the proposed TARIFFS scheduled to go into effect on MARCH FOURTH will, indeed, go into effect, as scheduled. China will likewise be charged an additional 10% Tariff on that date. The April Second Reciprocal Tariff date will remain in full force and effect. Thank you for your attention to this matter. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1740664576.A.7D3.htmlapolloapollo1樓我川威武 02/27 21:56
tigerzz32樓墨西哥家族 團結忠誠 02/27 21:57
kuo19223樓我大川皇說到做到 02/27 21:57
starport4樓3/4 哇喔 鬼故事給我說起來 02/27 21:57
Waitaha5樓墨西哥台廠名單可以再貼一次嗎 02/27 21:57
junior0204866樓他有病吧 02/27 21:57
cuteSquirrel7樓我川就是個消息面高手 02/27 21:57
k1k18320028樓所以加墨的行動等於搞笑就是了 02/27 21:57
lmfao9樓是在崩這個嗎 02/27 21:58
z78925210樓一路往下 02/27 21:58
realtreasure11樓緯穎週一跌停 02/27 21:58
DrowningPool12樓真的是垃圾國 02/27 21:58
→ junior02048613樓加墨一定會反制 02/27 21:58
→ jokem14樓好快 02/27 21:58
→ payneblue15樓很簡單啊 就加墨不想給中國加關稅啊 02/27 21:58
→ Qiaodi16樓不會又延期吧?! 02/27 21:58
f631246717樓崩崩 02/27 21:59
BlueBird556618樓3/3就會改口了 02/27 21:59
→ junior02048619樓美國喜迎大通膨 02/27 21:59
→ s716694520樓準備抄便宜的緯穎嘍 02/27 21:59
Waitaha21樓放羊的孩子 嘻嘻 02/27 21:59
ccdrv22樓反反覆覆 最討厭 02/27 21:59
oyaji556623樓我川威武 02/27 22:00
→ fourkg24樓小小A而以 無感 02/27 22:00
cerwvk25樓當利多解釋? 不會吧 02/27 22:01
Plumpy26樓玩命關頭 02/27 22:01
fujii27樓空軍大統領上工啦 02/27 22:01
ImHoluCan28樓完蛋 02/27 22:01
Lowpapa29樓一下延期 一下提前 笑死 懂王真的懂! 02/27 22:02
junior02048630樓川普真的很垃圾,每次看要上去他就飯利空 02/27 22:02