[新聞] 納斯達克計劃24小時交易 以滿足國際需求



原文標題:Nasdaq plans 24-hour trading to tap into growing
international demand



記者署名:Manya Saini


Nasdaq plans to introduce 24-hour trading on its flagship New York exchange
to capitalize on growing global demand for U.S. equities, a senior executive
said in a social media post on Friday.

International demand for the lucrative U.S. equity market has surged in
recent years, driven by rising retail participation, increasing financial
literacy, and easier access to digital trading platforms.

The exchange operator has started discussions with regulators and expects to
launch in the second half of 2026, Nasdaq President Tal Cohen wrote in a
LinkedIn post.

The appeal of the U.S. financial markets - backed by depth, liquidity, and a
robust regulatory framework - has prompted exchanges and financial firms to
seek new methods to expand access, particularly by extending trading hours.

A round-the-clock trading model will allow exchanges to tap into global
demand - which is currently catered to by alternative trading platforms - by
attracting investors across time zones, increasing trading volumes, and
improving market liquidity.

"The global growth of investor demand for U.S. equities means we stand at
another pivotal moment for our markets – to broaden investor access, expand
wealth-building opportunities, and redefine how markets function," Cohen said.

Nasdaq joins rival exchanges like Cboe Global Markets and Intercontinental
Exchange, the operator of the New York Stock Exchange, in planning extended
trading hours.

In February, Cboe announced its intention to expand U.S. equities trading to
a 24-hour, five-days-a-week format, while ICE is currently seeking regulatory
approval to extend its trading hours as well.

The company did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment on
whether it has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for

Brokerages Charles Schwab and retail investor favorite Robinhood currently
offer limited 24-hour trading on their platforms.

納斯達克計劃於 2026 年下半年在紐約旗艦交易所推出 24 小時交易,以滿足全球對美股


納斯達克與 Cboe 和洲際交易所(ICE)等競爭對手一同計劃延長交易時段,而 Cboe 已
宣布 24 小時、每週五天的交易計畫,ICE 也在申請監管批准。目前,嘉信理財與
Robinhood 已提供部分 24 小時交易服務。



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741360805.A.351.html
tomdavis1樓24小時都能賠錢了 XDDD 03/07 23:21
poeta2樓24小時都賠錢qq 03/07 23:21
s900024423樓什麼時候複委託可以24小時交易 03/07 23:21
Waitaha4樓指數仔無感 03/07 23:21
Jokering55665樓24小時的賭場 03/07 23:22
yufat6樓反觀還在研議鈴鼓碎骨撮合時間的某會 03/07 23:23
st90612047樓24小時!!一輩子! 03/07 23:24
ealleneee918樓24小時下殺喔 03/07 23:24
allex36589樓要爽就爽一整天 03/07 23:24
k061181210樓一整天都長黑棒棒 03/07 23:25
MrWeekend11樓澳門線上賭場不能再號稱全球最大了 嘻嘻 03/07 23:26
qscgg12樓可以賠一整天耶 03/07 23:26
mic7352813樓不要停不要停 下次停止交易就是熔斷了 03/07 23:27
aa630015814樓下一輩子的單 03/07 23:27
Kobe521015樓一覺醒來身價-30%的時刻 03/07 23:27
a2820026616樓一輩子 每天都在漲跌 03/07 23:28
King556617樓我不要上班了 03/07 23:29
kilo718樓24小時全球賭場上線囉~~~ 03/07 23:30
waterydan19樓不錯耶 隨時醒來都有賭場 03/07 23:31
ccdrv20樓我想看跌24小時 03/07 23:31
bigair88821樓賭場24小時,不要每週五天啦,就直接7天都上線交易 03/07 23:32
TS2822樓一輩子賠錢 03/07 23:32
CGDGAD23樓睡眠障礙的人會越來越多 03/07 23:32
CGDGAD24樓24小時都可能被狙擊,誰敢睡覺? 03/07 23:33
bj4556625樓賭場就是要徹夜不眠 03/07 23:33
nikok26樓隨時都開盤 天天都便宜 03/07 23:33
King556627樓睡不著就玩兩把 太爽ㄌ 03/07 23:35
edward19879128樓因應客戶需求 03/07 23:36
mrrobuchon29樓反正機構都是機器人AI 散戶可以24H賠錢了QQ 03/07 23:36
wuling100130樓一覺醒來睡在公園 03/07 23:37
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