[新聞] 中國尋求與加拿大在互相尊重的基礎上增進關係




中國外長於本周一加拿大新總理上任後發表聲明: 我們期待加拿大客觀與理性的了解中國


BEIJING, March 10 (Reuters) - China will continue to grow bilateral relations wi
th Canada on the basis of mutual respect and equality, the foreign ministry said
after Mark Carney won the race to lead Canada's ruling party and become the nex
t prime minister.

Carney, a two-time central banker who has never held elected office, won the lea
dership race with 86% of the votes cast on Sunday and will succeed Justin Trudea
u who resigned in January.

Speaking at a regular press conference on Monday, Chinese foreign ministry spoke
sperson Mao Ning congratulated Carney on his win, while urging Canada to work wi
th China to promote improvement and development of relations.

"We expect Canada to adhere to an objective and rational understanding of China
and pursue a positive and pragmatic policy towards China," Mao said on Monday.

Carney's victory came just a day after Beijing announced tariffs on over $2.6 bi
llion worth of Canadian agricultural and food products on Saturday, in retaliati
on against levies Ottawa introduced in October.

The levies, scheduled to take effect on March 20, match the 100% and 25% import
duties Canada imposed on China-made electric vehicles and steel and aluminium pr

Mao defended China's countermeasures as entirely "legitimate and reasonable," te
lling the Canadian side to correct its "wrong practices" to provide a fair, non-
discriminatory and predictable environment for the two countries' enterprises.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (越南)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741779585.A.C17.html
nightop1樓中國挖牆腳了看來還是會繼續震盪 03/12 19:41
ll6a2樓川普被看穿手裡沒牌了0.0.. 03/12 19:41
meatbear3樓美加是週四要協商 還沒落定 加拿大卑斯省省長已經 03/12 19:41
meatbear4樓呼籲聯邦要加強跟中國貿易 03/12 19:41
carbooming5樓誰理你們 03/12 19:42
bndan6樓移除對中電動車關稅那加拿大的車廠應該都沒意義了== 03/12 19:42
object7樓川普繼續搞啊 中國就繼續挖牆角 03/12 19:42
ryanworld8樓低能川普還在靠夭51州 03/12 19:44
newper9樓你忘記貼連結 03/12 19:44
meatbear10樓不會啊 加拿大的車廠有各國的 有電動也有油車 是特 03/12 19:45
meatbear11樓斯拉會被競爭 特斯拉在加拿大好像就電池廠? 03/12 19:45
psion12樓特斯拉的電池就是來自加拿大Dalhousie大學 03/12 19:46
DAEVA13樓川普又贏了 03/12 19:46
Leo489114樓中國搞定加墨 就變成美國包圍網了 03/12 19:47
gauurgr101615樓新大哥換人做 03/12 19:47
psion16樓不過加國電動車不多 跟基建不足有關 03/12 19:47
meatbear17樓所以我一直很好奇馬斯克對關稅的看法 他應該是重災 03/12 19:47
meatbear18樓 03/12 19:47
yycbr19樓全球圍中變成全球圍美 可憐 03/12 19:47
DiAbLoE20樓加拿大華人本來就多 川仔現在又搞這一齣 中國滲透加 03/12 19:48
meatbear21樓算不少了 問題是電動車嚴寒問題多 03/12 19:48
psion22樓我是說電池技術專利 製造還是中國的 03/12 19:48
DiAbLoE23樓速也不意外 到時北美南美都掉光光 03/12 19:48
Leo489124樓不給錢又課稅 盟友跑光光不用意外啦 03/12 19:49
psion25樓現在簽名要撤銷馬一龍加國身分的已經破300K了吧 03/12 19:49
psion26樓其實加國早就該擴大市場面 不跟中國起碼也拉攏歐盟 03/12 19:50
沒人想到美國有一天會對加拿大下狠手,美國人自己都沒想到了 右派網民也很多反對這樣搞加拿大
meatbear27樓我沒在關注 他現在也是狂舔川普 就認為左膠害他兒 03/12 19:51
meatbear28樓子很慘 03/12 19:51
pz520229樓中國加拿大省 03/12 19:51
meatbear30樓過去太依賴美國了 雙方經貿關係跟癌症四期沒兩樣 03/12 19:52
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