[新聞] 迷因股BBBY的CFO跳樓自殺




Bed Bath and Beyond CFO Gustavo Arnal ID’d as man who jumped from NYC
building, report says




記者署名:Stephen Sorace


Gustavo Arnal, an executive vice president and the chief financial officer of
Bed Bath and Beyond, was identified as the man who plunged from the 18th
floor of a New York City skyscraper on Friday, according to a report.

Arnal, 52, jumped from a tower in Manhattan’s Tribeca section known as the
"Jenga Building," the New York Post first reported, citing police sources.

Fox News Digital reached out to Bed Bath and Beyond but did not immediately
hear back.

The incident happened two days after Bed Bath and Beyond announced it will
cut about 20% of its workforce across corporate and supply chain and close
150 lower-producing stores as part of a broader turnaround plan.

Bed Bath & Beyond store facade
Bed Bath and Beyond Store Sign (iStock / iStock)

Shares at the time tumbled more than 20% on the news.

Arnal sold 42,513 shares of Bed Bath & Beyond stock on Aug. 16 for over
$1,029,000, according to MarketBeat.com. Following the transaction, Arnal
still owned 267,896 shares in the company, valued at over $6,488,000.

Arnal previously served as chief financial officer at beauty company Avon and
served in multiple executive roles for over 20 years at Procter and Gamble.

The "Jenga Building" is 60 stories tall and gets its name from how the
purposefully misaligned floors are stacked like the "Jenga" game.

據報導,Bed Bath and Beyond 的執行副總裁兼首席財務官古斯塔沃·阿納爾(Gustavo
Arnal)被確定為周五從紐約市摩天大樓 18 樓墜落的男子。紐約郵報援引警方消息稱
,現年 52 歲的阿納爾從曼哈頓翠貝卡區一座被稱為“積木大廈”的塔樓跳下。

Fox News Digital 聯繫了 Bed Bath and Beyond,但沒有立即收到回复。該事件發生在
Bed Bath and Beyond 宣布將在整個企業和供應鏈中裁減約 20% 的員工並關閉 150 家

Bed Bath & Beyond 商店門面Bed Bath and Beyond商店標誌(iStock / iStock)受此
消息影響,當時股價暴跌 20% 以上。

根據 MarketBeat.com 的數據,Arnal 於 8 月 16 日以超過 1,029,000 美元的價
格出售了 42,513 股 Bed Bath & Beyond 股票。交易完成後,Arnal 仍持有該公司
267,896 股股份,價值超過 6,488,000 美元。Arnal 曾擔任美容公司雅芳的首席財務
官,並在寶潔公司擔任多個執行職務超過 20 年。

“Jenga 大樓”有 60 層樓高,它的名字來源於故意錯位的樓層如何像“Jenga”遊戲一樣堆疊。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1662306584.A.662.html
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