[新聞] Nike shares fall as overstocked invent



Nike shares fall as overstocked inventory weighs on earnings


Sep 29 2022

Lillian Rizzo


Key Points

Nike first fiscal quarter revenue was up 4% to $12.69 billion,
beating estimates.

Nike net income was down 22% to $1.5 billion.

The sneaker giant said inventory on its balance sheet was up 44% to $9.7
billion, driven by continued supply chain issues.

NIKE第一財季收入增長 4% 至 126.9 億美元,優於預期。

耐克淨收入下降 22% 至 15 億美元。
其資產負債表上的庫存增加了 44% 至 97 億美元。

Nike on Thursday said it had a strong first fiscal quarter
despite supply chain issues, as well as declining sales in Greater China,
its third biggest market by revenue.



But the company’s shares dropped in after-hours trading as
the company described problems with overstocked inventory and
the aggressive steps it’s taking to lower them.



Nike and other retailers have been facing supply chain headwinds and
Covid-related store closure disruptions.

Like other retailers, Nike has been facing supply chain headwinds, such as a
rise in both shipping costs and shipping times in recent quarters.

Here’s how Nike did in its first fiscal quarter compared with what Wall
Street was anticipating, based on a survey of analysts by Refinitiv:

Earnings per share: 93 cents vs. 92 cents expected
Revenue: $12.69 billion vs. $12.27 billion expected

每股收益:93 美分,預期為 92 美分
收入:126.9 億美元,預期為 122.7 億美元

As delivery times and consumer demand rose this year, retailers responded by
ordering inventory earlier than usual. When in-transit shipping time began to
improve quickly, Nike CFO Matthew Friend said, it led to swelling inventories.


The Nike executive noted that this, mixed with consumers facing greater
economic uncertainty, promotional activity has accelerated across the
marketplace, especially for apparel brands.


“As a result, we face a new degree of complexity,” Friend said on the call
with investors on Thursday, adding that Nike will look to clear inventory for
specific pockets of “seasonally late products,” especially apparel.


Nike executives said its inventory in North America alone grew 65% compared
to last year, reflecting a combination of late deliveries for the past two
seasons and early holiday orders that are now scheduled to arrive earlier
than planned.

That has resulted in having a few seasons’ worth of merchandise available at
the same time. Because of that, Friend said, “we’ve decided to take that
inventory and more aggressively liquidate it so that we can put the newest
and best inventory in front of the consumer in the right locations.”

Nike reported net income for the three-month period ended Aug. 31 fell 22% to
$1.5 billion, or 93 cents per share, compared with $1.87 billion, or $1.18
per share, a year earlier.

Revenue during the period was up 4% to $12.7 billion, compared with $12.2
billion a year earlier.

Recently, Nike has been shifting its strategy and looking to sell its
sneakers and other merchandise directly to customers and scale back on what
is sold by wholesale partners like Foot Locker. The company said on Thursday
its direct sales grew by 8% to $5.1 billion, and sales for its digital-brand
rose 16%. On the flip side, sales for Nike’s wholesale business sales
increased by 1%.

In its first fiscal quarter, Nike said its inventory rose 44% to $9.7 billion
on its balance sheet from the same period last year, which the company said
was driven by supply chain issues and partially offset by strong consumer

Total sales in Greater China were down 16% to about $1.7 billion, compared
with nearly $2 billion a year earlier. The company has faced disruption in
its business in the region, where Covid lockdowns have affected its business.
Nike had said in the previous quarter it expected issues in Greater China to
weigh on its business.

Meanwhile, total sales in North America, Nike’s largest market, increased
13% to $5.5 billion in the first fiscal quarter, compared with roughly $4.9
billion in the same period last year. The sneaker giant has continuously said
consumer demand, especially in the U.S. market, hasn’t waned despite


The company said Thursday it expects revenue in the second fiscal quarter to
grow low double digits based on strong consumer demand, despite supply chain
and foreign exchange currency headwinds.



儘管營收盈餘略優於市場預期 nike盤後怒跌9%




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ck3261樓市場需求未減弱但是庫存暴漲,到底在說什麼 09/30 08:23
抵銷一部分 但前期遞延的貨品大量湧進 供>>>求
Severine2樓這樣看來LULU也會.. 09/30 08:23
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因為去年越南大停工 所以一堆貨卡住 全部在今年才運過來 官方說法是這樣啦
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capssan6樓笑死 平穩的時候靠庫存管理囂張的 戰亂就被庫存搞 09/30 08:27
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DecemberLV8樓昨天去一中看Nike 門可羅雀 09/30 08:28
pttstock9樓nike是球鞋的apple太貴了 都買迪卡農 09/30 08:28
cityport10樓跟之前UA一樣的問題..不過Nike的量更大..這下慘了 09/30 08:30
本人11樓那LuLu是服飾界蘋果ㄇ 09/30 08:31
joysanchis12樓嗯..那這樣對Nike的確頗傷 到貨時都變過季品XD 09/30 08:38
沒錯 他有提到都是一堆過季品 尤其是服飾 所以必須搞更多促銷跟折扣來清庫存
joysanchis13樓這樣不知道會不會影響到當季鞋子的採購量 如果會的 09/30 08:47
joysanchis14樓話 那寶成感覺也是gg 09/30 08:47
LoveDonGin15樓nike可以進outlet 前提敢便宜就有人會買單 09/30 08:55
HCYPMGO16樓問題是消費緊縮 不好賣阿~ 09/30 09:07
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