[新聞] BoE set to further delay quantitative



BoE set to further delay quantitative tightening until gilt markets calm


Tue, 18 October 2022 at 12:33 pm

Reporting by Akriti Sharma in Bengaluru; Additional reporting by Kevin
Buckland in Tokyo; Editing by Clarence Fernandez and Sam Holmes

(Reuters) -The Bank of England is likely to delay the sale of billions of
pounds of government bonds to encourage greater stability in gilt markets
following Britain's failed "mini" budget, the Financial Times reported on

Citing potential risks to the stability of the financial system, BoE had
already delayed the start of a scheme to sell down 838 billion pounds
($954.90 billion) of government bond holdings, which had been due to begin on
Oct. 6.

The pound extended gains following the report, jumping 0.36% to $1.1398 and
approaching Monday's high of $1.144, the strongest level since Oct. 5.

The decision by the central bank's top officials comes after they judged the
gilts market to be "very distressed" in recent weeks, the newspaper said.

British financial markets have been under strain since former finance
minister Kwasi Kwarteng announced the string of tax cuts with no details of
how they would be paid for on Sept. 23.

On Monday, Britain's new finance minister Jeremy Hunt scrapped Prime Minister
Liz Truss's economic plan and scaled back her vast energy support scheme,
making a historic policy U-turn to try to stem a dramatic loss of investor

The BoE last intervened in the gilt market in March 2020 to stem price
volatility caused by the pandemic, expanding its then-dormant quantitative
easing programme by hundreds of billions of pounds.

Google 機翻

以金融體系穩定存在潛在風險為由,英國央行已經推遲了原定於 10 月 6 日開始減持
8,380 億英鎊(9,549 億美元)政府債券的計劃。

報告發布後英鎊延續漲勢,上漲 0.36% 至 1.1398 美元,逼近週一高點 1.144 美元,這
是自 10 月 5 日以來的最高水平。


自 9 月 23 日前財政部長誇西·克瓦滕(Kwasi Kwarteng)宣布一系列減稅措施以來,

週一,英國新任財政部長傑里米·亨特(Jeremy Hunt)取消了首相利茲·特拉斯(Liz

英國央行上一次干預債券市場是在 2020 年 3 月,以遏制大流行導致的價格波動,

不過英國不管怎麼搞 只會愈搞愈糟,英國接下來非常不妙

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1666070326.A.1B3.html
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