[新聞] 經濟學人:房價崩潰來了








Over the past decade owning a house has meant easy money. Prices rose
reliably for years and then went bizarrely ballistic in the pandemic. Yet
today if your wealth is tied up in bricks and mortar it is time to get
nervous. House prices are now falling in nine rich economies. The drops in
America are small so far, but in the wildest markets they are already
dramatic. In condo-crazed Canada homes cost 9% less than they did in
February. As inflation and recession stalk the world a deepening correction
is likely—even estate agents are gloomy. Although this will not detonate
global banks as in 2007-09, it will intensify the downturn, leave a cohort of
people with wrecked finances and start a political storm.

The cause of the crunch is soaring interest rates: in America prospective
buyers have been watching, horrified, as the 30-year mortgage rate has hit
6.92%, over twice the level of a year ago and the highest since April 2002.
The pandemic mini-bubble was fuelled by rate cuts, stimulus cash and a hunt
for more suburban space. Now most of that is going into reverse. Take, for
example, someone who a year ago could afford to put $1,800 a month towards a
30-year mortgage. Back then they could have borrowed $420,000. Today the
payment is enough for a loan of $280,000: 33% less. From Stockholm to Sydney
the buying power of borrowers is collapsing. That makes it harder for new
buyers to afford homes, depressing demand, and can squeeze the finances of
existing owners who, if they are unlucky, may be forced to sell.

The good news is that falling house prices will not cause an epic financial
bust in America as they did 15 years ago. The country has fewer risky loans
and better-capitalised banks which have not binged on dodgy subprime
securities. Uncle Sam now underwrites or securitises two-thirds of new
mortgages. The big losers will be taxpayers. Through state insurance schemes
they bear the risk of defaults. As rates rise they are exposed to losses via
the Federal Reserve, which owns one-quarter of mortgage-backed securities.

Some other places, such as South Korea and the Nordic countries, have seen
scarier accelerations in borrowing, with household debt of around 100% of
gdp. They could face destabilising losses at their banks or shadow financial
firms: Sweden’s central-bank boss has likened this to “sitting on top of a
volcano”. But the world’s worst housing-related financial crisis will still
be confined to China, whose problems—vast speculative excess, mortgage
strikes, people who have pre-paid for flats which have not been built—are,
mercifully, contained within its borders.

Even without a synchronised global banking crash, though, the housing
downturn will be grim. First, because gummed-up property markets are a drag
on the jobs market. As rates rise and prices gradually adjust, the
uncertainty makes people hesitant about moving. Sales of existing homes in
America dropped by 20% in August year on year, and Zillow, a housing firm,
reports 13% fewer new listings than the seasonal norm. In Canada sales
volumes could drop by 40% this year. When people cannot move, it saps labour
markets of dynamism, a big worry when companies are trying to adapt to worker
shortages and the energy crisis. And when prices do plunge, homeowners can
find their homes are worth less than their mortgages, making it even harder
to up sticks—a problem that afflicted many economies after the global
financial crisis.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1666361231.A.9A0.html
ccdrv1樓那是美國 台灣會一樣嗎 10/21 22:07
cpz2樓野雞雜誌 10/21 22:07
loveponpon3樓 10/21 22:07
ynd4樓這波房價至少跌倒明年中秋了 10/21 22:07
DDDDRR5樓台灣建設公司:平行世界? 10/21 22:07
bla6樓他國事務 10/21 22:08
devil0077樓想在買一間 快崩 10/21 22:08
kevin288樓不是說自由市場嗎XD 10/21 22:08
hutten9樓別騙喔0.0 10/21 22:08
stationary10樓台灣只會斑馬房價怎麼崩? 10/21 22:08
zakijudelo11樓你會被房蟲說沒股點,逼你這篇被刪文,避免影響炒 10/21 22:08
zakijudelo12樓房仔士氣 10/21 22:08
jaricho13樓鬼島傾國力護房 不一樣的 10/21 22:08
ynd14樓明年6月後應該就開始有房屋甜甜價了 10/21 22:08
bandongo15樓什麼野雞雜誌,台灣房價不會跌好嗎 10/21 22:08
YangChang16樓哪來的野雞雜誌,台灣不一樣懂嗎?世界不只有美國 10/21 22:08
zxcv1230017樓台灣不會跌 10/21 22:08
GivemeApen18樓房價崩了不會加價賣? 10/21 22:09
elainakuo19樓跌到明年中秋+1 10/21 22:09
aegis4321020樓政府早就是建商的狗了 10/21 22:09
bandongo21樓炒房仔30秒抵達 10/21 22:09
cuteSquirrel22樓沒事 台北正二繼續噴 10/21 22:09
JessVeron23樓下架炒房黨啊 看人民怎麼選啊 笑死 10/21 22:09
kikinini24樓台灣不會跌 經濟火車頭欸 10/21 22:09
k102asdf25樓不可能 我們護國群山天下無敵 10/21 22:10
Deathstroke26樓最近的建案一樣愈來愈貴啊! 10/21 22:10
ynd27樓明年年底到後年才緩步漲價 稍加計算不精準預測 10/21 22:10
loveponpon28樓 10/21 22:10
EvilJustice29樓以美國看世界? 10/21 22:10
panzerbug30樓台灣以外,謝謝 10/21 22:10
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