[新聞] SVB UK在今日3/13出售給HSBC



原文標題:Government and Bank of England facilitate sale of Silicon Valley Bank


發布時間:13 Mar 2023


HM Treasury and The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

Silicon Valley Bank (UK) Ltd has today been sold to HSBC. HSBC is headquartered
in London, is the largest bank in Europe and is one of the world’s largest ban
king and financial services institutions, serving 39 million customers globally.
Customers of SVB UK will be able to access their deposits and banking services
as normal from today.

This transaction has been facilitated by the Bank of England, in consultation wi
th the Treasury, using powers granted by the Banking Act 2009. No taxpayer mone
y is involved, and customer deposits have been protected.

Making use of post-crisis banking reforms, which introduced powers to safely man
age the failure of banks, this sale has protected both the customers of SVB UK a
nd taxpayers.

The UK has a world leading tech sector, with a dynamic start-up and scale-up eco
system and the government is pleased that a private sector purchaser has been fo

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said:

“The UK’s tech sector is genuinely world-leading and of huge importance to the
British economy, supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs. I said yesterday tha
t we would look after our tech sector, and we have worked urgently to deliver on
that promise and find a solution that will provide SVB UK’s customers with con

“Today the government and the Bank of England have facilitated a private sale o
f Silicon Valley Bank UK; this ensures customer deposits are protected and can b
ank as normal, with no taxpayer support. I am pleased we have reached a resoluti
on in such short order.

“HSBC is Europe’s largest bank, and SVB UK customers should feel reassured by
the strength, safety and security that brings them.”



SVB (UK),矽谷銀行的英國分行,在今日以1英鎊的價格,出售給HSBC UK Bank 英國匯豐銀

注意:這個1英鎊只是象徵性的,HSBC UK承接SVB Bank UK後,也必須概括承受所有資產和

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1678692578.A.047.html
goddamnhuge1樓1英鎊 怎麼不賣給我QQ 03/13 15:30
ck3262樓HSBC 吃下,不過 SVB UK 應該沒多大ㄅ 03/13 15:30
saes00013樓媽媽 幾摳 03/13 15:30
omanorboyo4樓大吃小 03/13 15:30
fbtm5樓2英磅收 03/13 15:30
detective14r6樓幹 比股版還狠 這邊至少喊50收 03/13 15:31
qk313307樓真的50收也 03/13 15:31
energy1002038樓好狠 03/13 15:31
square9樓 03/13 15:31
BIGBIGFISH10樓開始有人在分屍了 03/13 15:31
weiike11樓美國的勒 03/13 15:31
oyaji556612樓不是說要找油國盤子來收購,看來是不鳥你 03/13 15:31
hot889913樓霸菱表示 :你也懂出售? 03/13 15:31
rb73102414樓來喔快來買我的貨,我們先提款 在賣給政府 好賺啊 03/13 15:31
qa1122z15樓哇靠,真的是甜甜價 03/13 15:31
pypy9326416樓1英鎊 隨便賣一張椅子就回本了 03/13 15:32
b951322717樓484只剩空殼爛賬阿 03/13 15:32
yinaser18樓代表HSBC被迫吃下來的 03/13 15:32
感覺是被逼的,英格蘭銀行不想接管,就直接找龍頭HSBC UK要他接盤了 不過亞洲這邊,部分股東可能會很不爽,又要吵分拆了
b951322719樓不然我隨便賣台電腦都賺 03/13 15:33
ZXSC20樓GOOGLE匯率,1英鎊=37.1台幣,比鄉民50收還廉價!! 03/13 15:33
a092138722321樓乾 我出50! 03/13 15:33
rb73102422樓這種聯合撈錢的狀況,跟台灣垃圾政府87%像 03/13 15:33
zxc2452223樓股版50收不如賣給版友 03/13 15:33
Lowpapa24樓賺死 03/13 15:33
SamWhite25樓50收啦乾 03/13 15:33
mioco26樓1英鎊XDDD 03/13 15:33
benson50227樓賺翻 03/13 15:33
s3z15a3z15a28樓被買了..看來呆帳處理完了 03/13 15:34
f20413729樓我是HSBC股東呢XD 03/13 15:34
f20413730樓因為流動性問題 被吃下來 根本是撿到寶了 03/13 15:35
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