[標的] AMD.US 財報



1. 標的:AMD.US (例 2330.TW 台積電)

2. 分類:討論

3. 分析/正文:

GAAP Quarterly Financial Results

Q1 2023 Q1 2022 Y/Y
Revenue ($M) $5,353 $5,887 Down 9%
Gross profit ($M) $2,359 $2,818 Down 16%
Gross margin % 44% 48% Down 4 ppts
Operating expenses ($M) $2,514 $1,950 Up 29%
Operating income (loss) ($M) $(145) $951 Down 115%
Operating margin % (3)% 16% Down 19 ppts
Net income (loss) ($M) $(139) $786 Down 118%
Earnings (loss) per share $(0.09) $0.56 Down 116%

GAAP Quarterly Financial Results

Q1 2023 Q1 2022 Y/Y
Revenue ($M) $5,353 $5,887 Down 9%
Gross profit ($M) $2,359 $2,818 Down 16%
Gross margin % 44% 48% Down 4 ppts
Operating expenses ($M) $2,514 $1,950 Up 29%
Operating income (loss) ($M) $(145) $951 Down 115%
Operating margin % (3)% 16% Down 19 ppts
Net income (loss) ($M) $(139) $786 Down 118%
Earnings (loss) per share $(0.09) $0.56 Down 116%












以下是財報全文 (以下是網頁翻譯 未經人工糾錯)

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today
announced revenue for the first quarter of 2023 of $5.4 billion, gross margin
of 44%, operating loss of $145 million, net loss of $139 million and diluted
loss per share of $0.09. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross margin was 50%,
operating income was $1.1 billion, net income was $970 million and diluted
earnings per share was $0.60.

損為1.39億美元,每股攤薄虧損為0.09美元。在非GAAP ( *) 的基礎上,毛利率為50%,

“We executed very well in the first quarter as we delivered better than
expected revenue and earnings in a mixed demand environment,” said AMD Chair
and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “We launched multiple leadership products and made
significant progress accelerating our AI roadmap and customer engagements in
the quarter. Longer-term, we see significant growth opportunities as we
successfully deliver our roadmaps, execute our strategic data center and
embedded priorities and accelerate adoption of our AI portfolio.”

,”AMD董事長兼首席執行官Lisa Su博士說。“我們推出了多種領導產品,並在加快本季

“Our strategically important Data Center and Embedded segments contributed
more than 50 percent of revenue in the first quarter," said AMD EVP, CFO and
Treasurer Jean Hu. "For the second quarter we expect sequential growth in our
Data Center and Client segments offset by modest declines in our Gaming and
Embedded segments. We remain confident in our growth in the second half of
the year as the PC and server markets strengthen and our new products ramp.”

AMD執行副總裁,首席財務官兼財務主管Jean Hu表示。“對於第二季度,我們預計數據中

Recent PR Highlights 最近的公關亮點

AMD continues to lead in confidential computing as major cloud service
providers including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure announced new capabilities based on AMD EPYC™ processors.

AMD繼續在機密計算領域處於領先地位,包括Microsoft Azure,Google Cloud和Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure在內的主要雲服務提供者宣佈了基於AMD EPYC(霄龍)™處理器的

AMD expanded capabilities for developers to build robust AI solutions
leveraging AMD products including updates to the PyTorch Foundation’s
PyTorch 2.0 framework which now offers native support for ROCm software and
the latest TensorFlow-ZenDNN plug-in, which enables neural network
inferencing on AMD EPYC CPUs.

會的PyTorch 2.0框架的更新,該框架現在提供對ROCm軟體的本機支援和最新的
TensorFlow-ZenDNN插件,該外掛程式可在AMD EPYC CPU上實現神經網路推理。

AMD announced the AMD Alveo™ MA35D media accelerator to power a new era of
live interactive streaming services at scale, featuring an integrated AI
processor that dynamically adjusts video quality.

AMD 宣佈推出 AMD Alveo™ MA35D 媒體加速器,為大規模直播互動流媒體服務的新時代
提供支援,該加速器採用可動態調整視頻品質的集成 AI 處理器。

AMD expanded its embedded processor portfolio with powerful, scalable
offerings for a variety of embedded applications:

The AMD Ryzen™ Embedded 5000 Series processors deliver mid-range, scalable
and efficient performance optimized for “always on” networking firewalls,
network-attached storage systems and other security applications.

AMD 擴大了其嵌入式處理器產品,為各種嵌入式應用提供了強大、可擴展的產品:
AMD 銳龍™嵌入式 5000 系列處理器提供中端、可擴展和高效的性能,針對「始終在線」

The new AMD EPYC Embedded 9004 Series processors bring performance and energy
efficiency to embedded networking, security and firewall, and storage systems
in cloud and enterprise computing, as well as industrial edge servers.

全新 AMD EPYC(霄龍)嵌入式 9004 系列處理器為嵌入式網路、安全和防火牆、雲和企

AMD showcased its growing presence in the telco space, including announcing a
Telco Solutions testing lab to support the validation of end-to-end AMD based
solutions, launching Zynq™ UltraScale+™ RFSoC products to accelerate the
deployment of 4G/5G radios in emerging markets, and expanding the
collaboration with Nokia to power Nokia Cloud RAN solutions to help
communications service providers achieve their most stringent energy
efficiency goals.

AMD 展示了其在電信領域不斷增長的影響力,包括宣佈成立電信解決方案測試實驗室以支
援基於 AMD 的端到端解決方案的驗證,推出 Zynq™ UltraScale+ ™ RFSoC 產品以加速
4G/5G 無線電在新興市場的部署,並擴大與諾基亞的合作,為諾基亞雲 RAN 解決方案提

AMD Ryzen mobile processors are powering new commercial, consumer and gaming

AMD 銳龍移動處理器正在為新的商業、消費者和遊戲體驗提供動力。

The new AMD Ryzen Z1 and Z1 Extreme processors, featuring AMD RDNA 3
architecture-based graphics, bring ultimate portability and battery life to
handheld PC gaming consoles, including the Asus ROG Ally.

新的AMD Ryzen Z1和Z1 Extreme處理器採用基於AMD RDNA 3架構的顯卡,為包括華碩ROG

HPI announced hardware and software offerings for the hybrid workplace
powered by next-gen Ryzen processors. HPI also announced the next generation
OMEN 16 and Victus 16 laptops featuring up to an AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS processor.

HPI 宣佈推出面向採用下一代銳龍處理器的混合工作場所的硬體和軟體產品。HPI還宣佈
了下一代暗影精靈16和Victus 16筆記型電腦,配備AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS處理器。

Lenovo announced the Legion Slim 7 featuring up to an AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS
processor, as well as additions to the Yoga lineup featuring AMD Ryzen 7000
Series processors.

聯想宣佈推出配備AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS處理器的Legion Slim 7,以及採用AMD Ryzen

AMD partnered with HPI to co-engineer their Dragonfly Pro powered by custom
AMD Ryzen 7 7736U processors.

AMD 與 HPI 合作,共同設計了採用定製 AMD 銳龍 7 7736U 處理器的 Dragonfly Pro。

Framework introduced AMD-powered versions of both their Framework Laptop 13
and newly announced Laptop 16.


Samsung and AMD announced they signed a multi-year agreement extension to
bring multiple generations of high-performance, ultra-low-power AMD Radeon™
graphics solutions to an expanded portfolio of Samsung Exynos SoCs.

三星和 AMD 宣佈簽署了一項多年續約協定,將多代高性能、超低功耗 AMD Radeon™ 顯
卡解決方案引入三星 Exynos SoC 的擴展產品群組。

AMD announced the AMD Radeon PRO W7000 Series graphics, the first
professional graphics cards built on the advanced AMD chiplet design to
deliver leadership performance and unique features.

AMD 宣佈推出 AMD Radeon PRO W7000 系列顯卡,這是首款基於先進 AMD 小晶片設計的

AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution technology is now supported in 250
available and upcoming games, 110 of which support FSR 2, the latest update
to the cross-platform temporal upscaling technology.

AMD FidelityFX™ 超解析度技術現已在 250 款可用和即將推出的遊戲中獲得支援,其中
110 款支援 FSR 2,這是跨平台時間升級技術的最新更新。

AMD announced that Jack Huynh has been named senior vice president and
general manager of Computing and Graphics following the retirement of Rick
Bergman, the former executive vice president of Computing and Graphics.

AMD 宣佈,在前計算和圖形執行副總裁 Rick Bergman 退休后,Jack Huynh 被任命為計

Current Outlook

AMD’s outlook statements are based on current expectations. The following
statements are forward-looking and actual results could differ materially
depending on market conditions and the factors set forth under “Cautionary
Statement” below.

AMD 的展望聲明基於當前的預期。以下陳述是前瞻性的,實際結果可能會因市場狀況和下

For the second quarter of 2023, AMD expects revenue to be approximately $5.3
billion, plus or minus $300 million. AMD expects non-GAAP gross margin to be

approximately 50%.
AMD 預計 2023 年第二季度的收入約為 53 億美元,上下浮動 3 億美元。AMD預計非GAAP

AMD Teleconference AMD 電話會議

AMD will hold a conference call for the financial community at 2:00 p.m. PT
(5:00 p.m. ET) today to discuss its first quarter 2023 financial results. AMD
will provide a real-time audio broadcast of the teleconference on the
Investor Relations page of its website at www.amd.com.

AMD 將於太平洋時間今天下午 2:00(美國東部時間下午 5:00)召開金融界電話會議,
討論其 2023 年第一季度財務業績。AMD 將在其網站的投資者關係頁面上提供電話會議的
即時音訊廣播,網址為 www.amd.com。



4. 進退場機制:(非長期投資者,必須有停損機制。討論、心得類免填)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1683076147.A.653.html
HenryLin1231樓營業收入,請用營業利益謝謝。 05/03 09:11
tigerzz32樓推推 05/03 09:12
solid11093樓呼叫教主解盤 05/03 09:13
m4vu04樓長榮委屈 05/03 09:14
HenryLin1235樓income台灣財報是對應利益,revenue 才是收入。 05/03 09:17
整段修正了 直貼原文
jerrychuang6樓買XLNX真是買對了,唯一不會衰退的 05/03 09:19
wvotyyj57樓Xlnx 塞個屁,馬的三年前把特斯拉賣掉換xlnx 此生 05/03 09:22
wvotyyj58樓最爛投資 05/03 09:22
本人9樓三年前你買AMD 就算現在也不會後悔阿 05/03 09:24
peter666671210樓藥丸 05/03 09:26
wvotyyj511樓Amd 買了爽賺 ,xlnx一整個賽你娘 05/03 09:27
yutaka2812樓好可怕,現在景氣好差 05/03 09:28
lafayee13樓A09???? 05/03 09:35
qscgg14樓哭啊 05/03 09:36
Exusiai15樓台灣會遞延幾個季度裁員吧 05/03 09:36
本人16樓INTC盤後漲三小! 05/03 09:37
klwei17樓盤後跳水了 05/03 09:40
cyshowen18樓又要捏爆LP了 教主的葵花寶典不是人人可練 05/03 09:40
本人19樓才這一點不至於捏爆吧..以前上下15%都看過了 05/03 09:41
dave07071520樓營業利潤XLNX佔了8成 05/03 09:41
qk338088821樓股價又要爛一季了 05/03 09:46
kevinmeng222樓你要不要去跟140上車的說?人家可是信了教主200論 05/03 09:54
Hecc23樓8元上車 ^^ 05/03 09:55
C2412839024樓140上車的要嘛停損要嘛攤吧 05/03 09:59
C2412839025樓而且是早就要做了 05/03 10:00
CORYCHAN26樓Xilinx 去年2/14併入過差不多一半 05/03 10:06
CORYCHAN27樓所以年率變化用比例還原大概是12E vs 16E 05/03 10:06
CORYCHAN28樓+33%左右(133%) 05/03 10:06
loat29樓ps5貨源很充足了 xbox要買原價貨還要等吧 05/03 10:11
zzzbear30樓99懶趴 05/03 10:15
[標的] AMD 財報與第二季展望 燒毀 炸裂
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[標的] 2887.TW 台新金