[新聞] 環球晶收購世創失敗



原文標題:GlobalWafers' Siltronic deal fails

as German govt approval misses deadline
發布時間:1/31 15:07 太平洋時區


BERLIN, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Germany's economy ministry said it could not
complete its review of a planned sale of chip supplier Siltronic to Taiwanese
rival GlobalWafers (6488.TWO) before a deadline for the approval set by the
prospective buyer expired on Monday, scuppering the 4.35 billion euro ($4.89
billion) transaction.

"It was not possible to complete all the necessary review steps as part of
the investment review - this applies in particular to the review of the
antitrust approval by the Chinese authorities, which was only granted last
week," a spokesperson for the ministry said.

On Jan. 21, China's market regulator said it would give conditional approval
for the acquisition. read more

The German ministry said if GlobalWafers makes a new acquisition attempt, an
investment review would be carried out again.

GlobalWafers secured a majority stake in Siltronic last year and initially
hoped to have the transaction, which aimed to create the world's
second-largest maker of 300-millimetre wafers, wrapped up in late 2021.

GlobalWafers Chief Executive Doris Hsu told newspaper Handelsblatt last week
that the company would probably invest in America if the deal fails.

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1643672005.A.09E.html
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thecoolbill4樓 02/01 07:38
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stevenkuo9樓沒成功還要倒賠5000萬歐元? 02/01 07:40
EddieJeremy10樓崩 還我錢 02/01 07:42
sackingsss11樓這沒三根跌停說不過去 我大空單有望了 02/01 07:43
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