Oil Co. Starts Drilling Horizontal Leg Of Well In Egypt
2023 年 9 月 29 日 2:41:24PM
Oil Co. Starts Drilling Horizontal Leg Of Well In Egypt
9/29/2023 2:41:24 PM
(MENAFN- Investor Ideas) TAG Oil Ltd. has started drilling the horizontal
portion of its first horizontal well in the Badr Oil Field in the Western
Desert of Egypt. Find out why one oil executive said horizontal drilling
"changed it all."
TAG 石油有限公司已開始在埃及西部沙漠的巴德爾油田鑽探第一口水平井的水平探掘部分
TAG Oil Ltd. (TAO:TSX.V; TAOIF:OTCQX) announced it has started drilling the
horizontal portion of its first horizontal well in the Badr Oil Field in the
Western Desert of Egypt.
TAG Oil Ltd.(TAO:TSX.V;TAOIF:OTCQX)宣布,已開始在埃及西部沙漠巴德爾油田鑽
The company successfully drilled the vertical pilot hole to a depth of 3,290
meters and performed open-hole logging, formation imaging, and pressure
measurement, followed by cement plugback of the lower vertical pilot hole. It
then proceeded into whip-stock drilling of build and lateral horizontal
sections in the Abu Roash F (ARF) reservoir.
隨後對下部垂直先導孔進行了水泥封塞。然後,它繼續在 Abu Roash F (ARF) 油庫的
The horizontal part of the well will target oil in the ARF's unconventional
tight, carbonate reservoir. The lateral section of the horizontal well is
expected to take three weeks and will extend more than 1,000 meters, the
company said.
"The Company expects the well will be completed by calendar Q4/23," Research
Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman wrote in an updated research note on the
company on August 30. "Based upon an independent resource report, a
successful well is expected to initially produce in the 1,000 to 1,500 bbl/d
(barrels a day) range. The results of the T100 well will be used to design a
follow-up drilling program expected to commence in calendar Q1/24."
esearch Capital Corp. 分析師 Bill Newman 在 8 月 30 日發布的關於該公司的最新研
究報告中寫道:「公司預計該井將於 2023 年第四季度完工。」最初產量在1,000 至
1,500 bbl/d (每天桶)範圍內。T100 井的結果將用於設計後續鑽探計劃,預計將於
2024 年第一季開始。
Newman rated the stock a Speculative Buy with a price target of CA$1.25 per
The T100 drilling program is an important step forward for TAG. The design is
made up of a vertical pilot assessment well for potential coring, open hole
logging, formation imaging, pressure measurement, and fluid sampling.
TAG said it plans to start flowback testing of the well in November.
Newman 將該股評級為投機性買入,目標價為每股 1.25 加元。
TAG 表示計劃於 11 月開始對該井進行返排測試。
Harold Hamm, a pioneer in horizontal drilling, is currently the 89th richest
person the planet and worth US$25.2 billion, according to Forbes .
Hamm recently compared the advent of horizontal drilling to the advent of
FedEx, the Norman Transcript in Norman, Okla., reported .
"Horizontal drilling changed it all," said Hamm, who wrote a book called
"Game Changer" that came out in August. "It gave us access to all of the
reservoirs that contained oil that was too tight to produce."
哈羅德·哈姆 (Harold Hamm) 是水平鑽井領域的先驅,據《福布斯》報道,他目前在全
球最富有的人中排名第 89 位,身價 252 億美元。
根據俄克拉荷馬州諾曼的 Norman Transcript 報導,哈姆最近將水平鑽井的出現與聯邦
The Catalyst: Egypt Could Be Major Oil Producer
Information obtained during the drilling of the T100 well, including mud
logging and drill cuttings to assess the reservoir quality across the lateral
section, will be used along with geochemical data and 3D seismic
interpretation to design the well completion and fracture stimulation program.
"Performance from the T100 well will be used for planning and executing
future drilling plans," TAG said in a release.
The ARF section was about 50 meters thick and very close to the structural
elevation anticipated, the company said.
"We're very excited about the scope and scale of the Abu Roash F and the fact
that it's a 'new play,'" TAG Chief Executive Officer Toby Pierce noted on the
company's website. "There are potentially more than 500 million barrels of
oil in place, and to date, the zone has never been developed in Egypt."
TAG 在新聞稿中表示:“T100 井的性能將用於規劃和執行未來的鑽井計劃。”
該公司表示,ARF 部分厚約 50 公尺,非常接近預期的結構高度。
TAG 執行長 Toby Pierce 在公司網站上指出:“我們對 Abu Roash F 的範圍和規模以及
這是一項‘新賽局’感到非常興奮。“潛在儲量超過 5 億桶石油,而迄今為止,埃及
Chen Lin, author of What is Chen Buying? What is Chen Selling? is bullish on
TAG Oil. "[TAG's success] would change politics forever," he noted while
making it one of his picks for the third quarter of 2023. "Egypt would become
a major oil producer."
Newman of Research Capital Corp. is also bullish, predicting a possible 125
return for investors with his price target of CA$1.25 per share and Thursday
afternoon's share price of CA$0.56.
TAG also recently released financial results for the period ending on June
30. According to TAG, the company had acquired CA$15.5 million in cash and
CA$17.9 million in working capital by March 31 and has no debt. It recently
finished a public offering worth CA$11.7 million.
“[TAG 的成功]將永遠改變政治,”他在將其作為 2023 年第三季度的選擇之一時指出。
Research Capital Corp.的Newman也持樂觀態度,預期投資人可能會獲得125%的回報,
TAG 最近也發布了截至 6 月 30 日的財務業績。據 TAG 稱,截至 3 月 31 日,該公司
已獲得 1,550 萬加元現金和 1,790 萬加元營運資金,並且沒有債務。該公司最近完成了
價值 1,170 萬加元的公開發行。
Oil Prices Up, Demand Rising
Oil prices rose to their highest point in 11 months this week, driven up by
Saudi Arabian production cuts and the war in Ukraine.
The international benchmark of Brent Crude Oil climbed to just under US$95
per barrel on Wednesday, its highest price since Oct. 27, 2022, Forbes
reported . The West Texas Intermediate, a U.S. national benchmark, went up to
just under US$93 on the same day, its highest point since last summer.
受沙烏地阿拉伯減產和烏克蘭戰爭的推動,本週油價升至 11 個月來的最高點。
根據《富比士》報道,布蘭特原油國際基準週三攀升至每桶略低於 95 美元,為 2022
年 10 月 27 日以來的最高價格。美國國家基準西德州中質原油當天上漲至略低於 93 美
According to the International Energy Agency's September Oil Market Report ,
world oil demand is on track to grow by 2.2 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d)
this year to 101.8 MMbbl/d, led by Chinese consumption.
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 upended oil and gas markets,
creating the first truly global energy crisis amid the uneven economic
recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic," the report said.
Global oil demand is expected to eclipse supply by 1.24 MMbbl/d in the second
half of the year.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-1151]
根據國際能源總署 9 月石油市場報告,在中國消費的帶動下,今年世界石油需求預計將
增加 220 萬桶/日,達到 101.8 MMbbl/日。
報告指出:“俄羅斯於 2022 年 2 月入侵烏克蘭,顛覆了石油和天然氣市場,在
Covid-19 大流行的經濟復甦不平衡的情況下,造成了第一次真正的全球能源危機。”
預計今年下半年全球石油需求將超過供應 1.24 MMbbl/d。
"Refiners are struggling to meet increased demand, especially for
distillates," the IEA noted. "Surging product cracks and refinery margins
near all-time highs have failed to spur a meaningful increase in throughputs.
Sub-optimal crude allocations following embargoes on Russian crude and
products and OPEC+ oil supply cuts have kept European, and OECD Asian
refinery runs well below year-earlier levels."
國際能源總署指出:“煉油廠正在努力滿足不斷增長的需求,尤其是餾分油。” 「產品
Ownership and Share Structure
Management and insiders own 27.14% of the company. Askar Alshinbayev owns
18.78% with 29.99 million shares, Abdel Fattah Z Badwi owns 3.36% with 5.38
million shares, Shawn Reynolds owns 1.49% with 2.38 million shares, Suneel
Gupta owns 0.99% with 1.59 million shares, Toby Robert Pierce owns 0.95% with
1.51 million shares, Barry MacNeil owns 0.85% with 1.36 million shares, and
Gavin Hugh Lothian Wilson owns 0.72% with 1.15 million shares.
Alshinbayev) 持有18.78%,持有2,999 萬股;阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·巴德維(Abdel
Fattah Z Badwi) 持有3.36%,持有538萬股;肖恩·雷諾茲(Shawn Reynolds) 持有1.49%
,持有238 萬股;蘇尼爾·古普塔(Suneel Gupta) 持有0.99%,持有159 萬股;托比·羅
伯特·皮爾斯(Toby Robert Pierce) 持有0.95%,持有1.51 股。其中,巴里·麥克尼爾
(Barry MacNeil) 持有136 萬股,佔0.85%;加文·休·洛錫安·威爾遜(Gavin Hugh
Lothian Wilson) 持有115 萬股,佔0.72%。
Institutions own 10.93% of the company. YF Finance, Ltd. owns 8.14% with
13.01 million shares, Purpose Investments Inc. owns 2.15% with 3.44 million
shares, and Novum Asset Management AG owns 0.64% with 1.02 million shares.
There are 159.74 million shares outstanding, and 102.77 million free-float
traded shares. The company has a market cap of CA$100.88 million. It trades
in a 52-week range of CA$0.39 and CA$0.79.
機構持股10.93%。YF Finance, Ltd. 持有 8.14% 股份,持有 1,301 萬股;Purpose
Investments Inc. 持有 2.15% 股份,持有 344 萬股;Novum Asset Management AG 持
有 0.64% 股份,持有 102 萬股。
已發行股票 15,974 萬股,自由流通股 10,277 萬股。該公司市值為一億零88萬加元。
其 52 週交易價格區間為 0.39 加幣和 0.79 加幣。
