1. 標題: Elon Musk提出收購Twitter的計畫
2. 來源: SEC 13D文件
3. 網址:
https://bit.ly/3uGc7rH4. 內文:
On April 13, 2022, the Reporting Person delivered a letter to the Issuer (the
“Letter”) which contained a non-binding proposal (the “Proposal”) to
acquire all of the outstanding Common Stock of the Issuer not owned by the
Reporting Person for all cash consideration valuing the Common Stock at $54.20
per share (the “Proposed Transaction”).
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1649932091.A.C44.html→ jimmyid41樓雕 04/14 18:28
→ cuteSquirrel2樓噴 04/14 18:28
icekiba3樓馬投顧… 04/14 18:28
pqpqpqpq4樓喊什麼噴什麼 04/14 18:29
kid1a2b3c4d5樓跳進來 跳出去 跳進來 04/14 18:29
m135796樓好狂 04/14 18:29
nakayamayyt7樓不爽就買下來 04/14 18:29
amazingwow8樓懂玩 04/14 18:30
ptta9樓不入董事會卻要買公司? 04/14 18:30
nuggets10樓真 美國股神 04/14 18:30
nashQ11樓....... 04/14 18:30
season201112樓然後他就賣了 這咖超愛放話炒股 04/14 18:30
cuteSquirrel13樓想進入媒體事業吧 04/14 18:30
seemoon200014樓直接買到過半就不用鳥董事會了 04/14 18:30
→ s15526015樓噴 04/14 18:31
Jimny556616樓炒股總司令,光明正大的炒股 04/14 18:31
→ seemoon200017樓但應該很難買成 衝撞體制倒是有效果 04/14 18:31
→ jerrylin18樓馬投顧比川普聰明多了 04/14 18:31
energy10020319樓直接買下來誰還跟你進董事會 一群沙雕 04/14 18:32
Coffeewater20樓上次馬投顧也說要私有化特斯拉 04/14 18:32
bboyallcome21樓然後757把推特移出 04/14 18:32
qwesazx22樓太扯了 04/14 18:32
icespring23樓我記得上次不是也說過 04/14 18:32
→ destroyss24樓用他自己的錢買還是要用公司股票換呀? 04/14 18:32
nanachi25樓越來越好玩 越來越好玩 04/14 18:32
koebel052126樓被收購,營收就能成長膩 04/14 18:33
nodnarb102727樓幹又炒股 04/14 18:33
ck32628樓不覺得會成局,等著看好戲,太讚了馬投顧 04/14 18:33
Severine29樓...................... 04/14 18:34
→ b951322730樓用在嘴巴炒股 04/14 18:34