[新聞] Fed Williams再次表示今年稍晚可能降息



原文標題:Fed's Williams reiterates rate cut likely later this year



發布時間:March 1, 20242:24 AM


Reporting by Michael S. Derby; Editing by Sandra Maler and Muralikumar



NEW YORK, Feb 29 (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John
Williams reiterated on Thursday that the next move for the U.S. central bank
is likely to be a cut to its interest rate target.
"I do expect us to cut interest rates later this year," Williams said in an
appearance in New York at the Citizens Budget Commission 92nd Annual Gala. "I
think that makes sense with inflation coming down, the economy being in
better balance, that we're going to move interest rates back to more normal
levels," the official said, while adding "there's no sense of urgency to do

"I think we've got monetary policy in good place" and now is really about
gaining confidence that inflation is cooling to the 2% target, Williams said.
Williams also said he does not see the economy creating conditions that would
drive the Fed to hike its interest rate target again.
"Based on what I see now we don't need to tighten monetary policy further,"
Williams said. But he added, "obviously, if the outlook changes, if the
economic conditions change pretty significantly, materially, you know, we'd
have to, I'd have to rethink that."

Williams' remarks largely echoed those of a speech he gave on Long Island on
Wednesday. The Fed is widely expected to cut what is now an interest rate
target range of between 5.25% and 5.5% later this year, although strong
economic activity and an uneven retreat in inflation pressures have cast down
on when the policy easing might kick off.
Williams said in the appearance that the U.S. economy has been very strong as
it bounces back from the coronavirus pandemic and that the current business
cycle is quite different than ones seen in the past. He said the economy's
resilience has been remarkable.


重點: 除非發生經濟重大變化 否則並不考慮升息


另外也談到了這次不一樣: 這次的景氣循環與過去不太一樣 可


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