[新聞] 馬斯克:特斯拉將於8/8推出robotaxi



原文標題:Elon Musk says Tesla will unveil its robotaxi on Aug. 8; shares pop



發布時間:FRI, APR 5 20245:03 PM EDT

記者署名:CNBC’s Lora Kolodny

will reveal its robotaxi product on Aug. 8, CEO Elon Musk said in a social
media post on X.

Musk has spoken about the robotaxi project for years, and it could represent
a major new business for the carmaker as investors grow wary of the company
during a period of slowing growth.

Tesla shares rose over 3% in extended trading after Musk’s tweet.

Musk shared the release date on Friday after Reuters reported that plans for
Tesla’s highly anticipated low-cost car model had been scrapped. Musk
accused Reuters of “lying.”

Tesla’s robotaxi project, according to Musk’s past remarks, would allow
Tesla vehicles to use self-driving technology to autonomously pick up riders
for fares. In 2019, Musk said that he expected to have over 1 million
robotaxis on the road by 2020. Author Walter Isaacson also mentioned the
robotaxi project in his biography of Musk, published in 2022.

There is significant competition in the market for taxi services that use
self-driving cars.

Alphabet’s autonomous vehicle unit Waymo operates driverless ride-hailing
services in Phoenix, San Francisco and Los Angeles, and is now ramping up in
Tesla’s home base of Austin, Texas.

GM’s Cruise service previously offered self-driving car services in San
Francisco before being wound down under regulatory scrutiny after an
accident. Since the incident, Cruise’s robotaxi fleet has been grounded,
local and federal governments have launched their own investigations and
Cruise leadership has been gutted.

註: Musk的X


Tesla Robotaxi unveil on 8/8






目前尚無更多資訊 也許這是為什麼只有噴3-4%的原因

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dalyadam1樓 04/06 05:40
qk33808882樓Cruise都快死透了 04/06 05:52
Kewseq3樓說好的套特曼 04/06 06:09
Kewseq4樓怎麼盤後飛了 04/06 06:09
ImHoluCan5樓Ok 明天Nvidia 噴更多 04/06 06:24
huabandd6樓盤後噴這麼多喔,真猛 04/06 06:30
huabandd7樓AI跟晶片肯定能帶來盈利,問題是肯不肯花錢投資 04/06 06:30
TripleC8樓推一樓 笑死 04/06 06:41
dslite9樓股價一低就開始亂吹 04/06 06:49
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yftsai11樓又有韭菜進場囉 04/06 06:58
payneblue12樓我也覺得不可能 光法規就不會過 一定還要配一個人在 04/06 07:10
payneblue13樓上面 不就脫褲子放屁 04/06 07:10
rexwis14樓真的急了 快88了 04/06 07:12
mcgrady1233615樓沒用啦光計程車公會就先卡死了,你民主國家選舉哪 04/06 07:14
mcgrady1233616樓個不靠公會運作 04/06 07:14
yiersan17樓要砸多少人飯碗 傻了才讓這個進來 04/06 07:16
longkiss061818樓美國可以 台灣才不行 04/06 07:36
HatanoKokoro19樓2077還會保護乘客的計程車? 04/06 07:36
dadabo20樓哪一年的8/8?反正老馬沒寫年份,到時候跳票怎麼說 04/06 07:38
dadabo21樓都可以 04/06 07:38
turtlefar122樓博派再起 04/06 07:45
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dosiris25樓現在定點試辦應該是沒問題 04/06 07:53
s11475226樓急了 04/06 08:01
Phamalpha27樓怎麼還有人會不信馬投顧 他算講話有信用的勒 不信 04/06 08:03
Phamalpha28樓又不放空特斯拉 04/06 08:03
Phamalpha29樓這樣還要玩股票嗎? 自己都不信自己 04/06 08:03
e04su330樓盤後都噴 還是有特黑繼續酸 真的蠻好笑的 04/06 08:03
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