職務名稱: Process Engineer
工作地點: 南科
1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and
capabilities to develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and
logic products.
2. Working with a team which may include device, integration, yield,
lithography, etch and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge
integrated module development, control and improvements.
3. Be responsible for sustaining ownership such as day-to-day operations,
equipment troubleshooting and mentoring technicians.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1652083407.A.2FB.htmlsinker55661樓祖墳...沒冒煙 05/09 16:07
deltarobot2樓具體就是擔屎 05/09 16:08
LLSGG3樓接賽 05/09 16:18
→ LLSGG4樓具體的你yt一堆片可看 05/09 16:19
→ LLSGG5樓你要問的應該是該廠風氣如何 05/09 16:21
sheepfeather6樓量產廠的產線沒幾個是好缺 05/09 16:24
→ 本人7樓那我改一下內文好了 05/09 16:32
→ zebracoco8樓14A~現在進去老廠,很大機會去18廠 05/09 16:45
toypoodle0079樓不用怕 去就對了! 05/09 16:51
a81008610樓老廠黃光不錯吧~ 05/09 16:51
→ jimmy624711樓屎到哪個廠都是屎 05/09 16:55
→ InGrass12樓超累 不開玩笑…. 05/09 17:16
DwyaneWade13樓這個缺,我保證你撐不過一年 05/09 17:27
a81008614樓意志力強一點的人能撐到三年,我是說很強 05/09 17:48
darkholy15樓塊陶啊 05/09 17:52
→ darkholy16樓在SOP面前,你的學歷全都笑話 05/09 17:53
05/09 17:59 → KCKCLIN18樓冒煙 05/09 18:03
NormalOpen19樓應該是爽缺 05/09 18:10
dgreen52020樓借問同一個廠PVD有比較好嗎 05/09 18:11
kyle524121樓去吧~ 新手村爽兩個月 05/09 18:28
→ KFC00722樓準備早7晚11生活了嗎?track Q-time很緊喔 05/09 19:13
digger556623樓一年半內離職率大概六成 不要急著關104 開心進來哭 05/09 19:15
→ digger556624樓著出去4常態~ 05/09 19:15
→ digger556625樓對黃光來說也沒什麼老廠新廠 新廠11點下班 老廠9點 05/09 19:17
→ digger556626樓半 這樣有比較開心嗎 可能有啦QQ 05/09 19:17
→ nicho1as200227樓爽缺 05/09 19:29
AgentSkye5628樓菁英的歸屬 05/09 19:59
qk338088829樓記得三個月後來分享心得 05/09 20:13
→ ilovewish30樓先拒絕 再繼續投阿 反正最差也就這樣 運氣好 說不定 05/09 20:23