


[新聞來源/日期] 阿拉斯加航空官網/2024-8-16

Alaska Airlines celebrates new flights between Seattle and Taipei on STARLUX

Alaska Airlines' global partner, STARLUX Airlines, has launched its inaugural
nonstop service between Seattle and Taipei, making our hometown airport
STARLUX's third nonstop U.S. destination from Taipei, alongside Los Angeles
and San Francisco. Known for offering luxury on transpacific travel, STARLUX
provides world-class service and amenities. The carrier will operate this
route three times a week, with connections to numerous destinations from


Offering luxury on transpacific travel, our global partner provides
world-class service and amenities Our hometown airport is STARLUX’s
third nonstop U.S. destination from Taipei

STARLUX also flies nonstop to Taipei from two of our other West Coast hubs—
Los Angeles and San Francisco With an emphasis on luxury in the air, Alaska Airlines’ global partner
STARLUX Airlines launched its inaugural nonstop service today between our
hometown airport in Seattle and Taipei. The premier carrier will fly the
route three times a week with connections to a wide array of destinations
from Taipei.

As an added convenience for our guests, STARLUX flights from three of our
West Coast hubs—Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco—to Taipei can be
purchased directly at alaskaair.com. We are excited to launch a codeshare
partnership with STARLUX soon which will further expand the seamless flying
experience offered today. When Mileage Plan members purchase their tickets
directly with us, they earn elite qualifying miles on every STARLUX flight.
They can also redeem miles for STARLUX flights.

STARLUX provides an international gateway through its main hub in Taipei with
connections to more than 20 destinations across Asia:

Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand
Clark and Cebu, Philippines
Da Nang, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
Penang and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hong Kong
And nine destinations in Japan




現在還看不出競爭的程度. 等冬季班表~12月就看到 4家大混戰對撞的畫面了.

TPE-SEA 冬季班表
DL: 7
CI: 5
JX: 7 (預計)
Total: 29 weekly flights

JX32 首航: https://www.flightradar24.com/SJX032/

B-58506 進度: 2nd test flight completed.

第二階段擴張計畫: 10架 A350 or 777X

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1723812030.A.70E.html
nn33561樓樓主下面寫了兩次DL,一個應該是JX? 08/16 22:06
cruise2樓10月返台票已買,JX北美趕快補人吧,客服永遠忙線中有點麻 08/16 22:10
cruise3樓煩… 08/16 22:10
calno4樓看新聞是寫58506這個月會交機 08/16 22:27
cityport5樓整篇的重點是AS叫客人到他官網訂票吧XDDD 08/16 22:32
AS 還沒開始賣票, 不然我也想看看AS 賣 美國內陸-LAX/SFO/SEA-TPE-東南亞 的價格 根據媒體報載,應該是Q4 (可能是冬季班表) 開始.
crooked6樓星宇是今天首航西雅圖嗎? 08/16 22:32
williechen7樓’We are excited to launch a codeshare partnershi 08/16 23:43
williechen8樓p with STARLUX soon‘ soon代表即將共掛班號 也就是 08/16 23:43
williechen9樓目前還沒有 AS預告共掛班號後可以直接透過AS訂票;跟 08/16 23:43
williechen10樓他們買星宇航班能賺AS哩程;AS哩程也能兌換星宇機票 08/16 23:43
domoto010111樓首航也是張董親自執飛嗎? 08/17 00:08
domoto010112樓啊,看到新聞有寫了 拍謝 08/17 00:08
Retangle13樓共掛班號不是已經交申請出去了嗎 08/17 00:15
申請早就通過了. 就看JX/AS 何時要code-share 上線
williechen14樓桃機官網還沒有AS班號耶 或是會不會k董這次飛首航過 08/17 00:28
williechen15樓去 就跟AS一起正式宣布共掛航班? 08/17 00:28
williechen16樓有新聞透露消息了 第四季啟動JX/AS共掛班號 會不會是 08/17 00:44
williechen17樓指冬季班表開始共掛? 08/17 00:44
Pujols556618樓星宇有可能買77X嗎?機隊不都是空巴的? 08/17 00:56
wtchen19樓有考慮飛歐洲嗎? 08/17 02:32
shawnfu20樓目前機票已經下降不少 detla SEA<->TPE 來回700 08/17 03:42
jefflin55521樓有!董事長昨天受訪有親口說會考慮777X 08/17 06:46
jefflin55522樓雖然大家都說只是喊價 08/17 06:47
suntex0123樓DL SEA / TPE 700是什麼日期的價格? 08/17 09:01
iqeqicq24樓K董自己就是開波音777起家的 08/17 09:44
iqeqicq25樓後來才學A321和A350的執照 08/17 09:44
coolfish110326樓冬季班表看起來會很精彩,SEA-TPE將躍升成西雅圖最 08/17 10:30
coolfish110327樓多國際班次的航點(本周JX開始飛後已經是西雅圖最多 08/17 10:30
coolfish110328樓越洋航班座位數的航點)。上面應該寫越洋才對,因為 08/17 10:31
coolfish110329樓SEA-YVR也是國際 XD 08/17 10:31
扣除SEA-YVR 這條超短程國際線, SEA-TPE 基本上會成為西雅圖 No1 越洋國際航線 (現在班次就已經急速增加了). 只是大家非要擠在同一個貴賓室嗎? 除了商務客/卡客外, 那PP卡持有人要進去可能就更困難了.
carbooming30樓不喊一下777就一直讓空巴加價 08/17 11:45
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