[新聞] 普惠:必須拆除大量A320neo系列發動機



[媒體名稱] [新聞日期]

aerotime 7/25




Pratt & Whitney’s parent company, RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies), has rev
ealed that a significant number of engines powering the entire Airbus A320neo ai
rcraft family will need to be removed for inspection.

“Pratt & Whitney has determined that a rare condition in powder metal used to m
anufacture certain engine parts will require accelerated fleet inspection,” RTX
said in its Q2 2023 results announcement, adding that the issue does not affect
engines currently in production.

RTX said it anticipates “a significant portion” of operators of the Airbus A32
0neo family aircraft, comprising of the A319neo, A320neo, and A321neo and its de
rivatives, will have to remove the PW1100G engine quicker than anticipated for i
nspection “within the next nine to twelve months”. This includes around “200
accelerated removals by mid-September of this year”, the company said.

“The business is working to minimize operational impacts and support its custom
ers. Management will provide additional detail on this matter during the earning
s call,” RTX added.

According to ch-aviation.com data, 3,246 Airbus A320neo family aircraft are powe
red by the PW1100G engine with 68 different airlines globally. Out of those, 210
are stored, meaning that a total of 6.46% of the PW-powered A320neo family flee
t is currently inactive.

In comparison, there are 1,474 Airbus A321neo family aircraft powered by the CFM
International LEAP 1-A, of which 74 are stored or in maintenance (5%), an analy
sis of ch-aviation.com data showed.

Throughout the year, Pratt & Whitney has struggled with its engine operations an
d airlines have complained about operational reliability and slow turn-around ti
mes (TAT) at engine shops. The affected engines included the PW1500G and PW1900G
, powering the Airbus A220 and Embraer E2 aircraft, respectively, as well as the

The engine family is also known as the Geared Turbofan (GTF).

The most high-profile case related to P&W’s engine issues was when India-based
Go First suspended operations, blaming Pratt & Whitney for “close to 50% of its
A320neo fleet” being grounded by December 2022.



拆除PW1100G發動機。 該公司表示,這包括大約“到今年9月中旬,加速遷移了200次”。

“該業務正在努力最大限度地減少運營影響,並支援其客戶。 RTX補充說:“管理層將在收

,全球有68家不同的航空公司。 其中,儲存了210個,這意味著目前共有6.46%的PW驅動的A

相比之下,有1,474架由CFM International LEAP 1-A驅動的空中客車A321neo系列飛機,其

轉時間(TAT)緩慢。 受影響的發動機包括PW1500G和PW1900G,分別為空中客車A220和巴西


與P&W發動機問題相關的最引人注目的案件是,總部位於印度的Go First暫停運營,指責普惠



2023年7月20日 週四 下午3:08


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1690296747.A.4E3.html
mcmj55661樓星宇記得是LEAP-1A 07/25 22:55
selvis602樓CI也是PW1100 07/25 22:58
mukuro3樓華航也是吧? 07/25 22:58
xylophone1354樓PW怎麼那麼多災多難 07/25 23:23
odkmse5樓東北亞華航、台虎、韓航(含A220)、ANA中獎 07/25 23:29
dbdudsorj6樓華航738再戰一百年!!! 07/26 00:22
dbdudsorj7樓聽說現在糗大了 738機師不太夠 然後32Q又一堆問題 07/26 00:22
jin0629008樓這個會有飛安疑慮嗎 07/26 00:26
abyssa19樓長榮爽到? 07/26 00:53
GaryMatthews10樓這應該是跟之前A220同一系列的geared turbofan 07/26 03:43
akira3011樓一大票neo 都用leap 07/26 06:48
kugh200512樓華航、虎航影響比較大,幾乎都是主力,韓航應該沒差, 07/26 08:46
kugh200513樓根本航空博物館,什麼機型都有,隨便都找得到替代機種 07/26 08:46
dbdudsorj14樓韓航兩邊押 32Q也買 7M8也買 07/26 10:10
asdf092315樓...這個扯耶 07/26 11:04
TSMCfabXX16樓原來 6757 這週是在跌這個 07/26 12:09
abian74617樓因航:還好我沒買普惠 07/26 13:50
vhygdih18樓因航有UO 以前留的 NEO 是PW 07/26 17:11
yanzistart19樓PW1100問題一直不少 07/26 18:12
doraemon129K20樓看起來是沒有到說要停飛那麼緊急,應該還是會繼續 07/26 21:18
doraemon129K21樓飛,只是要加速更換? 07/26 21:18
cgy22樓下發動機的時間變短而已 07/26 22:08
js5266623樓不然你要738? 07/27 08:01
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