[媒體名稱] Safran
[新聞日期] 2022/6/3
[網址] http://bit.ly/3DDzDc6[內文]星宇A330neo 為全球首家採用Safran Skylounge Core商務艙座椅
Safran's Skylounge Core Seats makes first flight on STARLUX Airlines
Taipei-based STARLUX Airlines has just completed its first flight with an
Airbus A330neo equipped with Safran Seats' Skylounge Core business-class
seats. STARLUX Airlines is the launch customer for this seat.The first of the eight Airbus A330neo aircraft ordered by STARLUX Airlines
was delivered on 18 February 2022. These aircraft are equipped with 28
Skylounge Core seats, specifically designed for long-haul aircraft such as
the Airbus A330neo or Boeing 787.
The Skylounge Core seat is made in France, and provides the best Business
Class features for an unrivalled consumer experience: direct access to the
aisle, fully flat bed, comfortable living space and high privacy levels,
featuring specific STARLUX modules. Its modular design means that the seat
can be customized to suit the airline's wishes. Significant work was done in
collaboration with the STARLUX and Design Works BMW teams on the seat design
to customize it to the company's colors.
28C ; 44" pitch
269Y ; 31~32" pitch
= 297 seats
配合現在討論頭等商務座椅. 就順便讓大家比較一下星宇航空A350
又是全球首家採用客戶. 老闆好像很喜歡嚐試最新產品喔
至於經濟艙應該是Recaro CL3710 slimline seat
個人娛樂系統應該也是上次與我先前提到A321neo的Rave 個人娛樂系統相同
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1667623781.A.3D3.htmlzebra9010061樓350用的是哪家的? 11/05 14:45
很多人拿A380 or 77W 的頭等艙來比, 其實有點冤枉了星宇.
要裝比星宇頭等艙更奢華的suite 當然也有. 只是總座位數會減少
sj42樓沒有privacy door? 11/05 20:24
court00433樓實際上坐起來如何?因為另一家350商務艙椅子的問題,在 11/06 08:55
→ court00434樓於只方便清潔,但是不透氣,男性坐久了就會知道不行,尤 11/06 08:55
→ court00435樓其是長輩。 11/06 08:55
zzzz89316樓是之前他們老闆那樣吹,讓大家過度期待了吧 11/06 17:57
→ zeta7樓359頭等若從1-2-1改1-1-1然後縮減經濟艙,這樣佔地應該夠大? 11/06 19:19
KR078樓所以第一篇透漏306席時就說了會擠 11/06 19:34
→ cityport9樓問題在星宇的頭等艙比別家A359的商務艙還不如(period) 11/07 03:49
→ cityport10樓A359商務艙現在的行業標準就是坐正的+內收的門 11/07 03:50
→ cityport11樓外加的門就是cost down而且非常cheap 11/07 03:50
→ cityport12樓然後還跟大家炫耀說這個東西叫頭等艙 11/07 03:51
ganlinlowmo13樓不爽自己去買一台來改啊 嘰嘰歪歪 11/07 04:10
s21mo902514樓也沒有一定要坐正向前面啦 但就是一定要直結走道 然後 11/07 05:15
→ s21mo902515樓一定要有門 11/07 05:15
11/07 05:19 → s21mo902517樓這種就完全不行 11/07 05:19
oc4r18樓腥粉爪寶好兇0.0 11/07 09:03
xvited94519樓推文晶晶體看得眼睛好痛 11/07 12:40
garnett1213g20樓如果350不能裝大家想像中的頭等艙 那在公開前就不 11/07 13:07
→ garnett1213g21樓要一直在各大媒體版面吹噓的很厲害給大家過度期待 11/07 13:07
→ garnett1213g22樓再深深跌落谷底 11/07 13:07
garnett1213g23樓然後事後再來檢討老百姓標準太嚴苛? 11/07 13:08
→ cityport24樓星宇的頭等就是拿商務艙加門所以才是坐斜的..照片很清楚 11/07 13:47
→ cityport25樓說他的頭等是豪華商務艙非常中肯 11/07 13:48
f1988112526樓Safran終於賣出去第一組了 11/07 22:25
→ xavier122127樓而且還在臉書說自己沒有什麼在宣傳啦,講得好像是大 11/07 23:05
→ xavier122128樓家腦補,然後又說頭等這不是主流產品所以怎樣怎樣, 11/07 23:05
→ xavier122129樓理由一堆;最後乾脆嗆人不爽不要看不要搭 11/07 23:05
一天內搭遍美國三大航空(UA/AA/DL) First Class.
UA: SFO-ORD by 757
AA: ORD-MIA by 737 Max
DL: MIA-JFK by 737-800
看來華航/星宇的A321neo 新機還是蠻不錯的.
cityport30樓花航星宇的A321 first class在哪?貨艙嗎? 11/09 01:25