[新聞] ESPN報導今日大谷表現,含一些採訪





"I'll finish it," Los Angeles Angels manager Phil Nevin recalled Ohtani
telling him after the eighth inning of what became the two-way superstar's
first complete game in Major League Baseball. "He wanted it. I could see it,


"It's certainly something I've never seen -- I'm not sure at any level,"
Nevin said.

(上一個MLB同場完封並雙響砲的是Sonny Siebert在1971年達成)
(Phil Nevin,生於1971年)

"We're going to roll the dice and see what happens," Angels general manager
Perry Minasian told reporters before Ohtani led Los Angeles to a 6-0 win over
the Tigers in Game 1 of the doubleheader, just days before MLB's trade


"He'll get some fluids in him and he'll be fine," Nevin said after the
Angels' 11-4 victory, which gave them a three-game sweep at Detroit and nine
wins in 11 games overall.


"We try not to take for granted what we have in him," Nevin said. "Hate to
say that you expect greatness every day, but it's what we get. It's awesome
to watch. Him performing at this level, when there is so much focus on one
person, only the mentally strong are able to do that and that's what
impresses me most about him."



"He's doing the impossible," Tigers manager A.J. Hinch said. "We're playing
against a generational talent."


"I love Shohei Ohtani," Minasian said. "He comes in, prepares, works, goes
out and performs on a nightly basis. Obviously, does both [hitting and
pitching]. He's a great teammate. He takes this really seriously. He eats it.
He sleeps it.

"He's somebody that we would love to have going forward."


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1690512536.A.224.html
minichobits1樓最後一句好笑XD 07/28 10:51
detective14r2樓他會得到一些液體... 這三小 07/28 10:52
gn019485403樓已經胡言亂語哈哈哈哈 07/28 10:54
jiaxie4樓笑死會吃會睡 07/28 10:56
jenchieh55樓興奮到模糊 07/28 10:56
wnhmmax6樓得到一些液體… 07/28 10:58
halfmonster7樓我覺得大谷連做夢都在打棒球 07/28 11:00
s8603828樓煩死了液體真的 >///< 07/28 11:01
goodgoodcow9樓會吃會睡XD 07/28 11:01
octopus440610樓我覺得早上mlb官方小編和一些球評也蠻興奮過頭了XDD 07/28 11:02
sasman11樓對天使GM來說大谷真的模範勞工啊 07/28 11:05
Beantownfan12樓會吃 會睡 笑死 到底在說什麼 XD 07/28 11:20
BaRanKa13樓他會補充一些能量啦 07/28 11:24
elainakuo14樓就說是外星人 07/28 11:25
edhuang15樓同一場爆氣拆成同一天前後 真的超乎想像 嗨爆 07/28 11:29
Aldousphyx16樓策略成功, 第一場隊友有發揮就上去積極出棒. 至少不用 07/28 11:32
Aldousphyx17樓纏鬥保送上壘包罰站 保存體力 07/28 11:32
DCR18樓He eats it. He sleeps it 07/28 11:59
DCR19樓It = baseball. 07/28 11:59
maple042520樓液體 好色喔 07/28 12:24
indoman21樓大谷的心態真的是很值得任何人學習 07/28 12:38
featherable22樓興奮到含糊XD 07/28 12:50
elfsoosuk23樓抗壓性真的爆棚 07/28 13:05
takosom24樓興奮到模糊.jpg 07/28 13:10
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