[新聞] 印尼漢堡王推出「紫色首爾」漢堡



Burger King Indonesia Concocts a New "Purple Seoul" Menu

While Burger King locations across the globe have been concocting a variety
of new innovations, over in Indonesia, the burger chain has whipped up a new
“Purple Seoul” menu that’s one for the books. Back in 2019, the purple
food trend made a comeback as restaurants, bakeries and such were creating a
number of new dishes and desserts with the use of ube — made from purple
yams — which is derived from the Philippines.

The “Purple Seoul” menu features 2 kinds of burgers and 3 new desserts
which all follow suit of the royal hue. First on the list is the Purple Seoul
Beef Burger that stacks an Australian beef patty with grated mozzarella,
purple cabbage for some crunch and long strips of K-Rashers drizzled with
Korean spicy-sweet sauce on soft purple buns. The Purple Seoul Chicken Burger
opts for a crispy chicken fillet with grated mozzarella, purple cabbage and
K-Rashers strips finished off with Korean spicy-sweet sauce over purple buns.
For dessert, the Blueberry Sunday is your usual soft vanilla ice cream topped
with fresh blueberry sauce, while the Purple Fusion is a blend of soft
vanilla ice cream with fresh blueberry yogurt. For those who prefer a fizzy
alternative, the Blueberry Superfloat is a combination of Sprite with fresh
blueberries and vanilla ice cream.

The “Purple Seoul” menu is now available at participating Burger King
branches throughout Indonesia until November 30.


我想太多英文應該也沒多少人想看 抓重點好了


簡單來說 印尼漢堡王最近推出了一些紫色系列的餐點

像是漢堡就取名「紫色首爾(Purple Seoul)」

(我不知道跟首爾有何關係 取名字的爽吧?)

有牛肉漢堡跟雞肉漢堡 兩種都有起司 紫色高麗菜跟韓國辣醬





其他還有幾款紫色的甜點 不過似乎都是加藍莓醬的 沒啥特別


(題外話 台灣漢堡王11/11似乎有加了薯條的漢堡)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fastfood/M.1636289698.A.16F.html
viable1樓看起來好高檔 11/07 20:59
viable2樓(開始想像實物會色差成什麼樣子) 11/07 21:00
ilikeroc3樓這種的不要貴的太誇張會想嘗試 11/07 21:00
colorclover4樓喔喔 星之彩漢堡 11/07 21:01
kyoko36789065樓美麗蟹堡 11/07 21:26
mytoychiu6樓紫色是什麼食材的顏色? 11/07 21:30
本人7樓沒說 11/07 21:32
Ectel8樓印度人心目中的首爾這麼噁心嗎…日本人開發的? 11/07 22:20
smalla8309樓是因為之前bts聯名麥當勞都是用紫色 所以才這樣取名跟 11/07 22:43
smalla83010樓配色的嗎XD 11/07 22:43
JUNOCARE11樓東南亞可說是現在哈韓的最大主力國 11/07 23:19
a2758867912樓這很明顯乳首了 11/07 23:26
kinoko13樓是印尼不是印度..... 11/07 23:30
Ectel14樓看對但打錯了XD 我蠢 11/08 00:02
stoiclogic15樓美麗蟹堡XD 11/08 00:14
luckysummer16樓來台灣就會變成醬是芋頭火鍋撈出來的醬 11/08 00:47
s86038217樓感覺會中毒 11/08 01:40
TESong18樓紫色-BTS-韓國-首爾,感覺是這樣 11/08 04:17
ronale19樓樓上加1 不是漢堡叫紫色首爾 是一整個系列 想沾bts光? 11/08 06:00
ronale20樓bts有跟麥當勞合作 沒有跟他們合作所以打擦邊球 11/08 06:01
weiike21樓好像舌頭 11/08 08:42
lsps4080322樓好噁... 11/08 09:57
LuciusMalfoy23樓想買BTS粉吧www 11/08 10:01
uf127624樓紫色看了就很沒食慾 11/08 10:37
colorworst25樓冰看起來不錯 漢堡看起來不美味 11/08 11:23
kamayer26樓美麗蟹堡 11/08 12:08
hooll11127樓想到美麗蟹堡突然就不敢吃了XD 11/08 12:54
TDOO28樓感覺醬汁滴到地上會冒煙 11/08 13:48
HIRUMA29樓哦哦… 一付在遊戲裡吃下去就會中毒的顏色 11/08 13:54
JustinPai30樓顏色是紫甘藍菜吧 11/08 14:10
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