[新聞] 高通8 gen4可能同時給三星和台積做



Qualcomm might split 3nm Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 production between TSMC and

高通可能把8 gen 4同時給台積和三星生產

phone arena/ Alan Friedman


Qualcomm's current high-end chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, is manufactured
by TSMC using its 4nm process node. In the past. Qualcomm has had its
flagship application processor built in some years by TSMC and by Samsung
Foundry in other years. For example, the Snapdragon 855 and 865 were built by
TSMC using its 7nm and enhanced 7nm nodes respectively. The Snapdragon 888
SoC and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 were produced by Samsung Foundry.

高通目前的高端芯片組 Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 由台積電使用其 4nm 工藝節點製造。在過
。例如,驍龍 855 和 865 分別由台積電使用其 7nm 和增強型 7nm 節點製造。
Snapdragon 888 SoC 和 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 由 Samsung Foundry 生產。

But last year Qualcomm, seeking to increase the performance of the Snapdragon
8+ Gen 1, turned production of the 4nm chip over to TSMC. This also occurred
at the same time it was discovered that Samsung Foundry's yields on its 4nm
production was a paltry 35%. This means that at the time, 65% of the die
produced on a 300mm wafer did not pass quality control. As a result, Qualcomm
decided to turn manufacturing of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 AP over to TSMC.

但去年高通為了提高第一代驍龍 8+ 的性能,將 4nm 芯片的生產交給了台積電。這也發
生在同時發現三星代工廠的 4nm 生產良率只有微不足道的 35%。這意味著當時在 300mm
晶圓上生產的芯片中有 65% 沒有通過品質控制。因此,高通決定將 Snapdragon 8+ Gen
1 AP 的製造工作移交給台積電。

Samsung has reportedly doubled its 4nm yield from 35% to 70% nearly matching

據報導,三星已將其 4nm 良率從 35% 提高了一倍至 70%,幾乎與台積電相當

Even though Samsung has reportedly improved its 4nm yield to 70%, the
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipsets (including the "for Galaxy" variant) are built by
TSMC. According to tipster Revegnus (via Wccftech), Qualcomm is considering a
dual-sourcing strategy for future high-end chipsets. This plan would start
with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 for 2025 with TSMC building the regular version
of the SoC using its enhanced N3E 3nm process node. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4
for Galaxy, earmarked for the flagship Galaxy S25 line, would be made by
Samsung Foundry using its 3nm process node.

儘管據報導三星已將其 4nm 良率提高到 70%,但驍龍 8 Gen 2 芯片組(包括“for
Galaxy”版本)是由台積電製造的。根據線人 Revegnus(通過 Wccftech)的說法,高通
正在考慮為未來的高端芯片組採用雙重採購策略。該計劃將從 2025 年的 Snapdragon 8
Gen 4 開始,台積電將使用其增強的 N3E 3nm 工藝節點構建常規版本的 SoC。專用於旗
艦 Galaxy S25 系列的適用於 Galaxy 的 Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 將由三星代工廠使用其
3nm 工藝節點製造。

Last year, it appeared that Samsung would be producing the overclocked
Samsung Galaxy 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy SoC but this plan, similar to what Revegnus
says could be in the works for 2025, did not happen. As we already pointed
out, TSMC is the foundry making both Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 variants. But things
do get a bit dicier at 3nm as TSMC continues to use its FinFET transistors
for 3nm while Samsung uses Gate All Around (GAA) for its 3nm production.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 for Galaxy chip could outperform the regular version
thanks to GAA

去年,三星似乎將為 Galaxy SoC 生產超頻的三星 Galaxy 8 Gen 2,但這一計劃(類似
於 Revegnus 所說的可能在 2025 年進行的計劃)並未實現。正如我們已經指出的那樣,
台積電是同時生產 Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 變體的代工廠。但隨著台積電繼續在 3nm 中使
用其 FinFET 晶體管,而三星在其 3nm 生產中使用 Gate All Around (GAA),在 3nm 處

The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 for Galaxy chip could outperform the regular version
thanks to GAA

由於GAA,用於Galaxy芯片的Snapdragon 8 Gen 4可以勝過普通版本

Since GAA surrounds the channel on all four sides, it reduces current leaks,
increases the drive current, offers more precise control over current flow
and chips using GAA typically have faster performance consuming less energy.
TSMC plans on moving to GAA from FinFET with its 2nm process node. The bottom
line is that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 for Galaxy chipsets, if made by Samsung
Foundry, could outperform the regular version of the chip made by TSMC for
reasons other than overclocking the high-performance core.

由於 GAA 在所有四個側面都圍繞著通道,因此它減少了電流洩漏,增加了驅動電流,提
供了對電流的更精確控制,並且使用 GAA 的芯片通常具有更快的性能,消耗更少的能量
。台積電計劃將其 2nm 工藝節點從 FinFET 轉移到 GAA。最重要的是,如果三星代工廠
製造的適用於 Galaxy 芯片組的 Snapdragon 8 Gen 4,除了對高性能內核進行超頻之外

Using both TSMC and Samsung Foundry to make both variants of the Snapdragon 8
Gen 4 would be a cost-cutting move for Qualcomm. The upcoming Snapdragon 8
Gen 3 will be made by TSMC using its N4P process node. Only Apple among major
phone manufacturers seems willing to spend the $20,000 per wafer price for
3nm production this year which is why the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Ultra
could be the only handsets powered by 3nm silicon later this year.

使用台積電和三星晶圓代工廠來製造 Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 的兩種變體對於高通來說將是
一項削減成本的舉措。即將面世的驍龍 8 Gen 3 將由台積電使用其 N4P 工藝節點製造。
在主要手機製造商中,似乎只有 Apple 今年願意為 3nm 生產花費每片晶圓 20,000 美元
的價格,這就是為什麼 iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Ultra 可能是今年晚些時候唯一採
用 3nm 芯片的手機

But next year could see a decline in wafer prices for 3nm production which
would allow Qualcomm to use the cutting-edge node for both Qualcomm 8 Gen 4
versions regardless if they are coming from TSMC or Samsung Foundry or both.

但明年 3nm 生產的晶圓價格可能會下降,這將使高通能夠將尖端節點用於兩個高通 8
Gen 4 版本,無論它們來自台積電還是三星代工或兩者。

A recent report says that TSMC will be ready to mass produce 2nm chips by
2025. The same year, Samsung Foundry is also supposed to start production of
2nm silicon in 2025 moving to 1.4nm by 2027. Since transistor counts continue
to move up with every new process node, the main issue is making transistors
small enough so that more of them can fit inside chips. There are 16 billion
chips inside the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 versus 10.3 billion in the Snapdragon 888
introduced in late 2020 and used on phone in 2021.

最近的一份報告稱,台積電將準備在 2025 年之前量產 2nm 芯片。同年,三星代工廠也
應該在 2025 年開始生產 2nm 矽,到 2027 年轉移到 1.4nm。由於晶體管數量隨著每個
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 中有 160 億個芯片,而 2020 年底推出並於 2021 年用於手機的
Snapdragon 888 中有 103 億個芯片。


看來三星很有可能用自己生產的gen 4

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1682950574.A.8D3.html
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moon12810樓又要玩抽抽樂囉 刺激 05/01 22:25
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theKusoStar12樓三星最大的問題就是發熱和耗電啊 05/01 22:27
dragonfly66713樓換回三星>抽抽樂>?? 05/01 22:28
MilkTeaMan14樓還是都給三星吧 直接讓我跳過不買比較好選擇 05/01 22:29
sova080915樓人品大考驗 05/01 22:29
komorin16樓不用抽吧?S25用三星版8G4,其他用GG版 05/01 22:29
leegogo17樓又來促銷了 05/01 22:29
elainakuo18樓干 不要逼人買哀鳳哦 05/01 22:30
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