[新聞] Pixel 6無法分辨Adele唱歌和沖馬桶的區別




Pixel 6 can't tell the difference between Adele singing and a toilet flushing
Pixel 6無法分辨Adele唱歌和沖馬桶的區別

Phonearena/ Alan Friedman

One of the features on the Google Pixel handsets that users really enjoy is
the "Now Playing" app. When there is a song playing in the background, the
app captures a few seconds of the tune and compares it to its on-device
library in an effort to discover the name of the song and the artist. To
recognize songs better, Now Playing collects some info, like the percentage
of times Now Playing correctly recognizes music. The feature only collects
this info if you have shared usage and diagnostics with Google.


Reddit user says that when his Pixel 6 Pro hears a toilet flushing, it thinks
that it is Adele singing Rumor Has It
Reddit鄉民說當Pixel聽到他在沖麻桶時,它認為是Adele在唱Rumor Has It

Someone on Reddit just shared an interesting if not totally embarrassing Now
Playing screw up. Whenever this Redditor's Pixel 6 Pro hears a toilet flush,
it says that it is hearing the Adele song Rumor Has it. Other users have also
found that the noise they make brushing their teeth in the morning with an
electric toothbrush has their Pixel 6 thinking that they are listening to
Dream of Arrakis from the Dune soundtrack.

Reddit上某個人分享了不至於完全由聽聲辨曲搞砸的怪異事件。當這位鄉民的Pixel 6 Pro
聽到沖馬桶的聲音時,Pixel說它聽到Adele的歌Rumor Has it。其餘的鄉民也發現當聽到
早上用電動牙刷刷牙時的噪音時,會認為是Dune原聲帶中的Dream of Arrakis。


Pixel 6 Pro 認為沖馬桶的聲音是Adele在唱歌

Another Redditor said that his Pixel phone thought that the song he was
listening to was Copacabana by Barry Manilow when in fact, the song came from
the video game Forza Horizon 5 which definitely did not include Copacabana in
its soundtrack. In perhaps one of the biggest AI screwups, a Pixel 5 analyzed
the sound of a jackhammer being used for construction as music from artists
like Imagine Dragon, The White Stripes, and Dresden Dolls.

另外一位鄉民說它的手機認為他正在聽的歌是Barry Manilow的Copacabana,但事實上他正
在玩Forza Horizon 5,其遊戲配樂絕對不會有Copacabana這首歌。也許這是AI最大的失誤
之一:Pixel 5分析了建築時電鑽的聲音並認為是如Imagine Dragons、The White Stripes
、Dresden Dolls的歌。

One Pixel 3 user says that his phone tells him that his electric toothbrush
is playing REM's The Great Beyond. Yet another Pixel 3 user said that when
characters on the X factor television show started yelling at each other, the
phone thought that U2's With or Without you was playing.

一個Pixel 3的使用者說他的手機說他電動牙刷正在播放REM的The Great Beyond,另一位
Pixel 3使用者則表示當他在看X Factor裡面的人開始互相大喊時,手機認為正在播放U2的
With or Without。

Whether you feel that Adele is talented or that her singing grates on your
last nerve the way the sound of an electric toothbrush does, Pixel's Now
Playing feature can help you find the name of that song that you've been
carrying around in your head for weeks the very next time you hear it playing
in the background.


The Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro have taken Google's handsets to a completely new
level this year where they can be considered serious iPhone challengers.
Google has packed the phones with its own Google Tensor chipset filled with
AI capabilities that allow the handsets to offer the Magic Cleaner feature
that removes unwanted people and items from the background of photos.

今年,Pixel 6和Pixel 6 Pro讓Google的手機提升到了一個全新的水平,以被視為iPhone

Motion mode gives the illusion of movement by blurring the background of a
photo. Live Translate delivers translated text in real time in English,
French, German, Italian, and Japanese. Unlike Pixel models in the past, the
Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro offers users a real premium handset with a real
premium feeling that actually does rival the iPhone 13 line and the Galaxy
S22 series.

大利文、德文及日文的即時翻譯。不同於以往的Pixel型號,Pixel 6系列提供使用者真正
的旗艦手機,搭載真正高階的體驗來與iPhone 13系列及Galaxy S22系列媲美。

確實AI還在學習啦 AI還學不夠

手邊有Pixel系列的使用者可以試試看你們在沖馬桶時會聽到甚麼音樂 XDDDDDD
不知道Google哪時候會修復他們的資料庫 XDDDDDDD


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1640018731.A.266.html
awerte1樓AI:還在學 別吵 12/21 02:05
JustinPai2樓笑死 但我看我P5聽音辨曲沒怪怪的東西 12/21 07:12
kalmia3樓ai還在學五線譜啦沒空 12/21 07:14
hjkkk1234樓用Shazam不就好了 12/21 08:18
BenShiuan5樓AI是不在臭啊 12/21 09:25
BenShiuan6樓是不是 12/21 09:25
ccufcc7樓話說這個功能關掉對省電幫助有感嗎? 12/21 09:38
shanaandlai8樓有 但省多少不知道 12/21 09:40
justin3328059樓同4樓 Google聽音辨樂的功能真的不好用 12/21 09:40
likebird10樓我覺得不錯啊! 12/21 11:03
likebird11樓想知道歌名打開就有了,點下去就可以直接到該首歌Spotif 12/21 11:03
likebird12樓y的頁面按喜歡 12/21 11:03
HMKRL13樓P4用鑽頭的時候辨識出奇怪的東西過+1 12/21 11:50
ktoaoeex14樓adobe 12/21 14:36
x5201315樓Google:你唱歌就像在沖馬桶一樣 12/21 14:37
marquelin16樓AI要休息 12/21 15:29
trenteric17樓笑死 我還特地去聽看看像不像 12/21 19:15
Lopison18樓AI學習中 12/21 19:49
sasaogidada19樓怕他偷錄我的聲音 都把它關了 12/21 20:45
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