[情報] AMD 的 Scott Herkelman 宣布離職



AMD's Scott Herkelman Announces Departure


Scott Herkelman thanks his colleagues who have served with him "shoulder to
shoulder in the trenches."

斯科特·赫克爾曼(Scott Herkelman)感謝與他“肩並肩地在戰壕中”服務的同事。

In a post this afternoon to X (formerly known as Twitter), Scott Herkelman,
who serves as AMD’s Senior Vice President and General Manager of the
Graphics Business unit, announced that he is leaving the company. Herkelman's
departure comes after Robert Hallock, who served as Director of Technical
Marketing, left the company in late 2022.

位總經理的斯科特·赫克爾曼(Scott Herkelman)宣佈他將離開公司。赫克爾曼的離職
是在擔任技術營銷總監的羅伯特·哈洛克於 2022 年底離開公司之後。

“After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive
generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at
the end of this year,” said Herkelman. The fact that he is waiting until the
end of the year should give AMD time to find a replacement to fill his

“在 AMD 工作了七年並推出了三代競爭日益激烈的 RDNA 顯卡架構後,我決定在今年年
底離開 AMD,”Herkelman 說。他等到今年年底的事實應該讓AMD有時間尋找替代者來填

He added that he has enjoyed his time with fellow AMD colleagues over the
years, including the excitement that builds around the release of new GPUs.
In what seems to be a rallying cry to the troops that he is leaving,
Herkelman closed this X post by stating, “May you continue to punch above
your weight class and one day… beat the final boss.”

在這篇文章中,Herkelman 似乎在向部隊發出一種激勵的呼籲,宣布他即將離開,並表示
:“願你們繼續超越自己的重量級,有朝一日... 打敗最後的大Boss。”


After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive
generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at
the end of this year.


I will miss every single one of you, fighting shoulder to shoulder in the
trenches together, the excitement we shared during new product launches, and
the joy of being in the arena for this wonderful, vibrant industry.

May you continue to punch above your weight class and one day… beat the
final boss.


We can only assume that Herkelman refers to Nvidia in that last statement,
which remains the 800-pound gorilla in the discrete GPU industry regarding
market share and performance. But Nvidia isn't the only competitor that AMD
must contend with; Intel joined the fray with its Arc graphics cards, which
offer competitive performance for entry-level and mainstream graphics cards.


We last heard from Herkelman about a month ago, when he was lobbing bombs at
Nvidia over early issues with the much-maligned 16-pin power connector on the
GeForce RTX 40 Series graphics cards. "We specifically, for 7900 Series, and
even 7600, we didn't plan on the new power cable, but 7800 and 7700 did have
a plan for it," said Herkleman at the time.

GeForce RTX 40系列顯示卡的16針電源連接器早期存在問題。當時,Herkelman表示:“

"We removed it, and that was a purposeful removal. You shouldn't blame end
users for issues you have. You should catch and own any problems, just like
we did with the vapor-chamber issue. I was all over social media because I
felt like it was AMD's problem and I was going to own it."


We don't know where Scott Herkelman will wind up next. Intel, AMD, and Nvidia
have revolving doors of top talent that hop from one ship to another. So it's
entirely possible that he could land at Intel, which is hard at work on its
next-generation Battlemage Arc GPUs. However, it would be pretty interesting
if Herkleman ended up at archrival Nvidia, which he has spent the past seven
years fighting "in the trenches."

我們目前不清楚Scott Herkelman接下來將會去哪裡。Intel、AMD和Nvidia都有不斷流動
為Intel正在全力開發其下一代Battlemage Arc顯示卡。然而,如果Herkelman最終加入宿

當初Raja走了,眾人說AMD GPU有救了
現在...AMD GPU的未來...?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1695705122.A.833.html
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