[徵才] Senior Firmware Eng 停徵! (remote/2M+)



2024-05-03 Update: 因為公司改變資金運用方式,主管臨時決定關掉這個職缺,
對已投遞的 12 位應徵者感到非常抱歉,
並已全數透過 email 通知。


2024-04-30 Update: 已回覆全數應徵者,謝謝大家!


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填) (Company Name):

Lumo Inc.

公司地址(填寫詳細至號) (Company Address):

427 Mendocino Ave,
Suite 100 Unit #119,
Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA

職缺 (Position):

Senior Firmware Engineer (Remote)

職缺能力經歷要求 (Required Qualifications):

* Passion for Innovation:
Genuine enthusiasm for innovation and embedded systems development.

* Professional Experience:
4+ years of experience in firmware or embedded system development.

* Technical Expertise in Programming:
Strong, demonstrable skills in C and C++ programming.

* Design and Development Proficiency:
Extensive experience in software feature design, development,
rapid prototyping, hardware bring-up, and interpreting schematics.

* Knowledge of Communication Interfaces:
Proficiency with standard bus interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART, USB.

* RTOS Acumen:
Experience with Real-Time Operating Systems,
including OpenRTOS, FreeRTOS, Zephyr, etc.

* Communication Experience:
Experience with mesh network communications is preferred.
Familiarity with BT/BLE is a plus.

* Compilers and toolchains:
Well-versed in compilers and toolchains is a plus.

* Lab Tool Proficiency:
Experience using laboratory tools, including oscilloscopes,
power supplies, and multi-meters.

* Interpersonal and Team Skills:
Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to work
collaboratively in multifunctional teams with minimal supervision.

* Startup Experience:
Preference for candidates with prior experience working in
startup environments.

* Manufacturing Experience:
Candidates with experience in providing factory tools
and familiarity with manufacturing processes are preferred.

* Language Skill:
Proficiency in English is required, with the ability to effectively
communicate work-related concepts in both spoken and written forms.

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) (Equipment Provided):

* Computer:
We will provide a 16" MacBook Pro for daily use.

* Lab Tools:
Candidates are expected to procure standard lab tools independently.


薪資(月薪) (Monthly Salary):
薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目) (Annual Salary):

* Salary:
Annual salary starting at NT$2 million,
with notable room for negotiation, paid monthly.

* Bonuses:
There are no regular bonus payments.

年終獎金計算方式 (Regular Yearly Bonus):


工時 (Daily Working Hours):
每日工作時間 (Daily work schedule):
每周工作時間 (Weekly working Hours):

We expect you to work no more than 8 hours per day
and no more than 5 days per week.
Ideally, you should have at least 3 hours overlapping with teammates in CA.

加班費制度 (Overtime Pay):

No, but we don't expect you to work more than 40 hours a week.

工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹 (Work Environment and Team Introduction):

* Remote Position:
This is a fully remote role.

* Team Culture:
Our team is easygoing and highly responsive,
fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere.

* Management Style:
We prioritize transparency in all management practices.

* Travel Requirements:
The role may require annual travel to the U.S. or Argentina
for team building activities, and to China
for supervising manufacturing processes.

工作福利 (Benefits):

The company policy does not define a limitation on paid leave.

公司分紅與獎金 (Stock Options and Dividends):


公司介紹 (Company Introduction):

Lumo is a smart irrigation system that helps growers save water,
improve crop quality and reduce costs.

Smart valves with built in flow meters provide automation,
control and advanced reporting that closes the loop between planned
and actual water consumption
- no complicated scheduling, logging or manual configuration is required.

Since Lumo is cloud-managed,
it can be controlled and monitored from anywhere,
reducing the number of required site visits and time spent on-site,
thereby reducing labor costs.

Finally, growers can easily irrigate with precision,
so they can achieve profitability with every drop.


我們老闆前一間 startup 創立 7 年後被收購,所以我們有 startup 的成功經驗。
我們現在的產品極具創新性,可以從只花 40 幾天就申請到美國的專利側面驗證。

人資或徵才聯絡方式 (Contact):

Please send your resume to my work email at [email protected]



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1713809179.A.27F.html
meokay1樓讚讚 推推 04/23 08:36
j09583220802樓fw怎遠端 04/23 09:54
絕大部分時間是寫 code 開發 feature
yamakazi3樓把板子寄到你家啊,焊槍LA很便宜可以自備。OSC應該用不 04/23 10:54
yamakazi4樓 04/23 10:54
確實 OSC 和邏輯分析儀目前我都還沒用到, 所以可以需要時再買或借,總之能完成工作就好。
Mike11095樓遠端 推 04/23 12:27
wulouise6樓不是說勞務產生在台灣一樣算境內? 04/23 12:45
感謝說明! 我們是提供了可以旅外工作 (數位遊牧) 的選擇,可參考:
hegemon7樓樓上,這個就是會不會被抓到的問題了 04/23 13:22
我們不鼓勵違法逃漏稅。 是遠端工作使得這個職務的人可以旅外因而免稅, 不是鼓吹劍走偏峰。 另外這是暫時的,主要是因為我們只是 startup,所以還沒有在臺灣設立 branch。 但我們前一間 startup 成立三年後有在臺灣設立分公司,請見板上 Flo 的徵才文。 Flo 後來被同為美商的 Moen 收購,所以我們有成功的經驗。 我們絕對會符合當地法規。 之前是委託仁愛路上的大型律師事務所成立分公司, 當時我是 team manager + branch manager + 負責人。 我會同意當負責人,主要是律師說,還是臺灣人當負責人比較簡便。 但如果老闆或公司不可靠,我也不會接受。 總之我們是正派經營的!
SkankHunt428樓勞務產生也要看你在台灣待多久 還有你有沒有誠實申報 04/23 15:16
yangyr9樓要自己買示波器484就虧大了XD 04/23 17:01
gmoz10樓推推純遠端 04/23 17:30
WisdomOrLie11樓overlapping需求有點困難 QQ 04/23 18:59
WisdomOrLie12樓travel那項也QQ 04/23 19:06
我們確實有一個 headcount 要補, 如果最後完全沒有人能部分兼容時差,我們也只能接受。
leveler13樓travel to Argentina 有點慘 04/23 19:41
那是 team building event,通常一年一次, 不是年年都在阿根廷,在加州的可能性也很高, 當然也可以選擇不去啦!
pacino14樓沒有勞健保,有點虧。 04/23 19:47
可以到職業工會加保,一樣會有勞健保,額度是一樣的。 差別主要有二點: 1. 雇主方的保險費也要自己繳 2. 勞退最多只能提撥 6% 而不是 12% 費用可參考:
這是這份工作產生的 overhead,可以作為薪資協商的基礎之一。
wayne053015樓就是自己賭會不會被抓到,抓到就是有你受的 04/23 20:42
gino071716樓有實體機器的產品 遠端真是難以想像 04/23 21:09
每個人都會有機器可以在 local 開發,不會讓人隔空抓藥。
peter9817樓你稅務有問題 低調點 04/23 21:13
codehard18樓板子寄來寄去,飛線弄掉就要自己搞,家裡還要有一整個 04/24 08:55
codehard19樓房間搭成實驗室擺產品跟工具。這個工作適合非常資深, 04/24 08:55
codehard20樓而且習慣跨時區工作的人,最好單身沒家累的人。 04/24 08:55
open52222221樓這薪水 還有一堆小設備要自行買。 04/24 11:20
open52222222樓不予置評 04/24 11:20
questionboy23樓純推遠端 200萬應該是可以從系統廠挖到人 04/24 12:39
jeff4010824樓勞健保跟勞退要自己繳,工作又沒有台廠穩定,怎麼 04/24 12:53
jeff4010825樓可能挖得到XD 04/24 12:53
ho83leo26樓蠻有趣的,寫FW 當初WFH 帶一堆設備回家,煩死... 04/24 13:49
achen092827樓曾有朋友以個人簽約提供勞務的方式領美金,等於是美國 04/24 14:37
achen092828樓公司的個人外包商,據說不必在美國報稅。 04/24 14:37
j095832208029樓看下來還是 SW 比較能 WFH,還好還沒投履歷 04/24 14:53
peter9830樓個人簽約看哪裡,美國的話是違法的,提供勞務都會有稅單 04/24 19:14
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