[徵才] Kronos Research 徵 Senior Full-Stack




Kronos Research 麒點科技有限公司(統編:50787692)




Senior Software Engineer, Full-stack


Job Description

Trading Experience team in Kronos builds analytics and software applications
for internal users including researchers and risk professionals, to ensure
quality investment. Your work include but not limited to:

- Build real-time dashboarding systems that are built with Golang to help
risk analysts alerted of unexpected market changes.
- Build investment platforms to enable traders to focus on strategies without
worrying about underlying machines.

You should be energized by finding patterns amid chaos, acting on and
resolving issues quickly, and enjoy solving business problems through

As a full stack engineer in Trading Experience team, you own the end to end
cycle of all web services for the company. You interact with traders and risk
analysts to understand their needs. You prioritize the tasks to make the most
impactful features. You run the scrum process with other full stack engineers
to ensure high quality deliverables.


- Provide guidance on architecture and design, and define processes for
launching solutions and features
- Develop solutions that enable our research and trading team to deploy,
configure, and monitor our real-time trading strategies
- Drive the evolution of our investment platform to remove inefficiencies and
streamline workflow across teams
- Workload between frontend and backend is around 2:8


- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience
- 2+ years of backend experience
- Experience in Java / Python / Golang / Node JS, data systems, and knowledge
of internet protocols such as HTTP, TLS
- Knowledge of browser UI development and in Javascript, HTML and CSS

Preferred Qualifications

- Experience working with modern, cloud-based infrastructure technologies
like Kubernetes Google Cloud/AWS/Azure, Cloud Functions/AWS Lambda, etc
- 1+ years of technical leadership experience
- Experience communicating technical concepts to non-technical audience


NT$ 1,500,000 ~ 6,000,000+ / year


8 * 5 = 40 hr / week



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1661586583.A.FCC.html
MoonCode1樓六百 08/27 16:01
MoonCode2樓 08/27 16:02
duck107043樓推 600 萬 08/27 16:03
hobnob4樓 08/27 17:24
Lhmstu5樓有點猛 08/27 17:29
aas55666樓不知道有沒有一千萬得主 08/27 17:39
ManOfSteel7樓精神壓力一定很大 08/27 19:19
ManOfSteel8樓要得到600萬,不知道要付出什麼?QQ 08/27 19:27
sjerrysss9樓軟體少見能跟科技業相提並論的薪資 08/27 20:38
OBTea10樓這家 senior 不是有機會破千 ? 08/27 20:54
marsonele11樓這間算高頻交易嗎? 08/27 22:30
penta12樓能領到六百萬 一天要工作多久… 08/28 00:43
Algers13樓CTO 有機會破千 08/28 08:42
wulouise14樓是高頻沒錯吧 08/28 09:20
wulouise15樓奇怪怎麼點到噓,等等補推 08/28 09:20
mirror022716樓敢給就給推 08/28 10:31
jj032117樓樓樓上說好的補推在哪 08/28 13:10
neo527718樓常找的原因是學會就出去了吧 08/28 14:22
bill020519樓少數可跟科技業比拼 08/28 14:26
how3001320樓COSCUP跟HR聊過幫推 08/28 14:26
diabolica21樓有點強 08/28 16:20
Mike110922樓推薪水 08/28 17:26
BeardSmallGG23樓全棧在台灣拿600 比在台灣科技業強多了吧 有這能力 08/28 21:17
BeardSmallGG24樓有機會去北美 不然也能去新加坡 待台灣這種戰爭風險 08/28 21:17
BeardSmallGG25樓越來越高的地方幹嘛 待科技業你以為移民是瞬移嗎 08/28 21:19
BeardSmallGG26樓等出事你以為房子不賤賣脫得了手嗎XD 08/28 21:21
MoonCode27樓樓上為什麼能拿六百就比台灣科技業強@@? 08/28 22:11
wulouise28樓補,真的忙到忘xd 08/28 22:29
hprince29樓台灣科技業中位數沒600這麼高吧 當然比科技業強 08/29 00:08
winston11tw30樓樓上是說軟工班的中位數是600萬嗎? 08/29 02:04
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