[徵才] 澳洲 lumachain- .NET Full stack Engin



Lumachain is seeking Full Stack .NET developers with skills in both front and ba
ckend stacks who likes a challenge and thrives in an agile environment!

We are working remotely and are open to candidates from anywhere in the world.

Responsibilities will include (depending on your level), but not limited to:

C# .NET Core development, automated build and deployment processes
C# Web API Development practices with dependency injection and Entity Framework
Test Driven Development
Azure Cloud Application development
Assistance with the automated build, packaging the deployment
Monitoring and managing your development work load
Assistance with technical design
Assistance with product support and customer troubleshooting
The successful applicant will be required to posses and demonstrate the “any” followin
g skills and experience:

Minimum 3-6 years experience in .NET development
Work in a like minded team
Put your hand up for help when stuck
Excellent knowledge of web development technologies (HTML/Typescript)
Excellent knowledge of C#
Good knowledge of:
Microsoft SQL Server
Angular 8+,
Native Android, native ios, flutter,
Microsoft Azure
We are looking for a candidate who is full of energy, is passionate about techno
logy, loves problem solving and has a positive and fun personality. We work hard
but always find time for a laugh, celebrate the wins and love working with othe
r staff who show initiative and find cool solutions and better ways of doing thi

薪水9萬澳幣起跳,扣台灣稅 ,依能力而定。
目前狀態: AI 已落地 數個project,software team嚴重缺人. 架構都要自己寫.


Email:[email protected]

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1639056054.A.396.html
Eos1樓早上七點有點硬 12/09 21:41
superpandal2樓架構都自己寫 可惜.net 12/09 21:58
gino07173樓怎麼用微軟全家餐 大數據用linux不好嗎 12/09 22:48
touurtn4樓可能是金融業? 12/09 22:53
devilkool5樓看起來在做供應鏈含IoT和AI的整套解決方案 12/09 23:20
CRPKT6樓他們主攻食品供應鏈的 12/09 23:45
CRPKT7樓主要技術是影像 AI 12/09 23:47
CRPKT8樓主要技術是影像 AI 12/09 23:47
J0029樓推一個 12/10 00:19
hegemon10樓太低了啦,六年經驗開這種?是多瞧不起台灣人? 12/10 00:29
neo527711樓azure在數據上面整合不錯阿 12/10 00:39
neo527712樓剛好skill set 很合 12/10 00:40
neo527713樓應該在伯斯 12/10 00:41
neo527714樓應該在伯斯 12/10 00:41
neo527715樓應該要來寄信 12/10 00:42
neo527716樓居然不是我以為選這時間是因為這樣 12/10 00:53
xioak17樓之前寄過了,都沒回覆,也不知道到底是有沒有收到 12/10 09:04
Hsins18樓Azure 跟 Databrick 搭配得很好,另外的 A 跟 G 可能都沒這 12/10 12:44
Hsins19樓麼好… 12/10 12:44
Hsins20樓而且 .Net Core 可以跨平台好嗎…… 12/10 12:45
jobintan21樓現在都統一稱.Net了,沒Core了,一樣有跨平臺。 12/10 15:21
doomdied22樓七點太早不然.net我可以 12/10 17:44
J00223樓已經有遠距工作了不然想試試QQ 12/10 22:58
stellvia235924樓要會的好多…真的是全端 12/11 00:21
superpandal25樓當然跨平台 不過個人比較喜歡閉上眼睛都可以很不錯的 12/11 00:27
superpandal26樓東西 記得他們有講過一個名詞powertoy 這還挺貼切的 12/11 00:28
loveu827樓招聘的職位 薪資是不是在當地偏低阿? 這種可能9-12萬澳 12/12 12:33
loveu828樓招聘的職位 薪資是不是在當地偏低阿? 這種可能9-12萬澳 12/12 12:33
loveu829樓找 mid level的,在當地市場 應該不太好找到XD 12/12 12:34
solamep30樓請問語言要求?全英文面試?平常工作溝通用中文嗎? 12/12 19:27
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