[徵才] Senior Embedded Software Engineer






職缺:Senior Embedded Software Engineer

Job Description
Bring up new devices, perform debugging and performance tuning exercises that
span multiple hardware / firmware / software teams
Understand software components from multiple partner teams, lead the
integration of those components into the unified product codebase, and drive
their continued development
Integrate third-party applications / libraries / frameworks on our target
platforms, e.g. remote desktop service, web ssh service, web browser, .. etc.
Collaborate with other developers to design and implement a highly usable and
scalable software systems
Test and debug to improve the quality and performance of the software systems
Analyze and evaluate technical tradeoffs for every decision
Ensure reliability, availability, and maintainability of the software
Architect efficient data structures and interfaces to interact with other
Conduct and/or participate in technical reviews, API design, and documentation
Follow engineering best practices and cooperate with overseas teams

Solid object-oriented programming and software architectural design skills
Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills for embedded systems
Hands on experience in developing scalable software systems
Solid OSI (Open System Interconnection) mode knowledge
Expertise in C, C++, Python, Shell (Bonus: Qt experience)
Experience with version control, such as Git

Good to Have (One or more of the following):
Good understanding of Linux internals with experience of building kernels,
compiling drivers, providing performance tuning guidance and crash analysis
Experience in developing and maintaining Yocto Linux and Bitbake system with
Experience with BSP development, including but not limited to u-boot, Linux
kernel / DTS customization, and driver integration
Experience with Linux graphics technologies, graphics middleware stack,
and/or display drivers, e.g. X, Wayland / Weston, mesa3d, dri / drm drivers,
Experience with multimedia software and frameworks, e.g. FFmpeg, GStreamer,
Experience with socket programming, such as raw socket, TCP, UDP
Experience with Makefile, CMake, qmake, and cross-compiling toolchain

Interview process
1. First interviewing with our RD head in Taiwan through Google Meet.

2. Second interview will be a technical interview, which takes approximately
an hour.

CakeResume link: https://tinyurl.com/83baebfa

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否

薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 1.4M ~ 1.9M TWD / year


台灣分公司主管是外國人 英語溝通能力是必須的
但敢講就有機會 不要怕 想練英聽的朋友絕對歡迎

團隊氣氛和諧 目前算是全遠端工作


工時:每週40小時, 彈性工時, Optional remote work from home


CakeResume https://tinyurl.com/83baebfa

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1673493831.A.565.html
MoonCode1樓感覺找不到 01/12 11:57
empireisme2樓願意收web仔嗎qq 01/12 12:24
loadingN3樓有啊 上一篇web仔還比較高... 01/12 12:28
neo52774樓可惜我一直都只有做簡單的樹莓 01/12 12:31
hegemon5樓你們這個價錢找jr差不多,我相信你們還有更多錢找sr 01/12 13:04
e125181663396樓這價格目前搶不到sr,沒錢的話就從jr自己養吧 01/12 13:08
leolarrel7樓挖,現在通膨這麼嚴重喔,10年前2百萬年薪已經是準leader 01/12 13:12
leolarrel8樓現在2百萬只能請到資淺韌體仔 01/12 13:13
yamakazi9樓在台北還可以啦,總是有住家裡的台北人去應徵 01/12 13:18
yamakazi10樓而且還全遠端 01/12 13:19
hegemon11樓某樓不知道10年來通膨多嚴重嗎?派克都漲到快兩倍了. 貨 01/12 13:30
hegemon12樓幣幻覺下鈔票越來越薄,用派克或是珍奶計算的話,現在的2 01/12 13:30
hegemon13樓00可能不到10年前的150 01/12 13:30
leolarrel14樓原來如此.貧窮限制了我想像. 01/12 13:47
orz81101715樓一堆公司新人今年再爛加班應該都有個150吧.... 01/12 13:49
wulouise16樓十年超久了好嗎?...通膨很嚴重 01/12 17:59
pttano17樓現在隨便都200以上喔,那我是不是該換工作了 01/12 20:08
s67813118樓之前待的台廠網通廠BSP team的 leader 整包有破200 01/12 21:29
Firstshadow19樓現在隨便都200以上喔 == 怎那麼隨便阿 01/12 22:13
hduek15320樓沒到隨便 不過軟韌本來就不低阿 01/12 23:43
acgotaku21樓看技能要求 這bar很高噎,140真心找不到 180以上有可能 01/13 01:58
acgotaku22樓畢竟要跟豬屎屋搶人,就算薪水匹配 人家也不想去小公司 01/13 02:01
jeff4010823樓軟韌體早就飛天了,200不會有senior啦 01/13 06:59
koka81324樓現在200沒senior,那要多少才有senior阿?除了ic和那幾 01/13 08:17
koka81325樓間龍頭外商,200找senior應該差不多吧 01/13 08:17
CoNsTaR26樓問就是 300 jr 500 sr 01/13 19:18
keyofdejavu27樓外商來找人也是要找即戰力,這薪水在ic廠來說找不到 01/13 19:47
saxontai28樓看職務內容跟能力要求,薪水區間確實偏低 01/13 20:04
playkkk29樓現在的景氣要找到堪用的人不難 難在景氣變好之後怎麼留人 01/13 20:05
Kimheeche30樓不錯了啦 還可以全遠端 不像某個朝夕令改的公司 01/13 22:06
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