[徵才] 日本東京軟體公司徵web developer



Hi,大家好,我們是HeartCore,公司位於日本東京,希望能招募一名Web developer

HeartCore擁有日本市佔率第一的CMS(Content Management System),成立於2009,東京

目前CTO要採用新技術 Rust lang去做後端,不過不用擔心,你不需要懂Rust,只要有心

說說我加入公司後實際看到的 (來日本4y+, 加入公司一個月左右),可以參考一下
1. 公司提供hybrid 工作模式,三天進公司,兩天遠端
2. 公司提供Macbook, 我拿到的是2023 MacBook Pro
3. 公司提供手機,我拿到Iphone13 mini,可以用手機打卡
4. 公司提供自動升降桌椅
5. 公司內部說日文,但這個缺不需要會日文,因為這個組是講英文的
6. 公司內部用Notion, 溝通方面用Teams
7. 這個職位薪資開了600萬-1200萬日圓,雖然比不上版上各位大大年薪300萬台
舒服的生活 (個人感覺)
8. 加班問題,雖然是日本公司,但我都是8小時就下班,有幾次我還目送CTO下班,雖然
9. CEO則是日本人,會說流利的英文(待久日本就知道,要日本人講英文是一件很難的事
10. 請寄英文履歷到 [email protected],我不會審查,會直接轉
11. 第一次Po文,有違反板規請告知

公司名稱: HeartCore
公司地址: Shirakiji Bldg. 3F, 1-2-33, Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
141-0022 Japan
職缺: Senior Web Developer
* Motivated and eager to learn Rust.
* Ruby on Rails expertise (3+ years)
* Deep experience in building complex modern web applications. We'd expect a
developer to typically take 5 years to pick up this level of experience.
* Experience working with SQL databases
* Deep understanding of the full web technology stack (e.g. HTTP, cookies,
asset loading, caching, REST, etc)
* Good knowledge of security best practices;
* Learn Rust and break boundaries.
* Lead the implementation of an SaaS platform in Rust.
* Work across the full product tech life cycle from discovery to delivery.
* Build products to support HeartCore global expansion.
* Be part of building a web platform in Rust and integrate with external API
* You work very closely with the CTO and Designers, often interact with our
internal sales teams and closely with our board members.
* Conduct code reviews in coordination with other team members and help
maintain a high standard of quality across the codebase
* Lead, mentor, and learn from other engineers on our growing team
Take features from concept to fully-fledged product

Nice to have:
* English Business level speaker
* Japanese is not required (So apply even if you don't speak Japanese)
* Knowledge of Rust, Elixir or Python is a strong plus.
* Familiarity with functional or component testing of services
* Experience building REST and Websocket API clients
* Basic understanding of how to sign an encrypted request
Entrepreneurial spirit

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否
薪資: 6M - 12M yen
年終獎金計算方式: 無工時: 8 hours
每日工作時間: 9-18 (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00)
每周工作時間: Company Average of 2 to 3 hours per month. (maximum allowed is
45 hrs/month)
* Commutation expenses covered
* Two full remote days a week (Wednesdays and Fridays)
* Horizontal communication;
* Health insurance, employment insurance, workers' accident insurance,
* Flexible Working Hours (with core hours from 10:00 to 15:00)
* Work in a Japanese company that is also international and multicultural;
* Learn Rust and innovate in Web Development.
* Work directly on shaping the product vision, strategy, and
* Support for attending training courses required for work (all expenses
covered by the company at the discretion of the department head)
* Free coffee, tea, spring water, hot chocolate, and Japanese soups at the
company every day.

公司分紅與獎金: 獎金一年兩次
徵才聯絡方式: 請寄英文履歷到 [email protected]

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1688020353.A.CFF.html
MoonCode1樓CTO 的寫法 滿特別的 06/29 14:44
loadingN2樓Ruby on Rails expertise (3+ years) 沒了QQ 06/29 15:05
gasbomb3樓推rust 06/29 15:37
gooseduck4樓5年 要帶人 要 lead project 個人覺得6M偏低了 06/29 15:56
以現在台灣的薪資 大概都要千萬才會考慮了 哈哈
askaleroux5樓5年至少800起 600偏低 06/29 16:01
final016樓6-12取中間9是不是算還行 06/29 16:12
final017樓不過這種東西用rust??會比較好嗎 06/29 16:14
cmpunk668樓推rust 06/29 16:51
benben9949樓900都太少吧 日本稅那麼重,匯率又差 06/29 16:56
單身900可以了啦 櫻花妹會說這是高收入喔
acgotaku10樓這薪水跟台灣差不多,在台灣公司還幫你繳勞退勞保 06/29 17:46
acgotaku11樓去日本被扣一堆稅 到最後回台灣 也享受不了他們福利 06/29 17:47
台灣這幾年薪資漲很多 沒辦法
acgotaku12樓台灣個人所得稅真的很佛 126萬以下扣扶養後說不定還退稅 06/29 17:51
chobit19968513樓我對Rust超有興趣!! 06/29 18:12
wt032814樓五年六百確實頗低 06/29 18:25
Ericz700015樓我好想去日本 06/29 18:37
zxc878716樓Rust缺很少見ㄛ 06/29 18:52
真的很少 rust這條路很苦 東京還是python跟Java 的天下
ripple012917樓不懂後端用rust幹嘛,大多數問題是商業邏輯錯誤,不 06/29 20:10
ripple012918樓是記憶體問題,還是可能也要寫web assembly 06/29 20:10
Rust 寫web assembly 距離商業化還有段距離
wukeke19樓推Rust 雖然產業不同 但我們公司也是以Rust為主 很有 06/29 20:24
wukeke20樓潛力的程式語言 06/29 20:24
sarsman21樓推Rust 06/29 20:29
xrururururu22樓 06/29 21:53
NTUmaki23樓推 Rust 06/29 21:53
lycantrope24樓推rust 06/29 21:59
ntusaber25樓rust ♥ 06/29 22:18
hegemon26樓之前有公司分享後端因為撞到GC導致系統瞬間處理request的 06/29 22:28
hegemon27樓時間變長...最後憤而改用Rust 06/29 22:28
好像是Discord ?
yuinami28樓推一個 06/29 22:30
mayu123029樓 06/29 23:25
e1251816633930樓推rust 06/30 00:08
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