[徵才] 全遠端外商 Sr. Full Stack Engineer




Movmint Digital Fiat Works Corporation

Movmint Digital Fiat Works Corporation
unit 150 339
Railway St.
Vancouver, BC, V6A 1A4

職缺: Senior Full Stack Engineer

Movmint is on a mission to become the world's most impactful financial technology company by enabling the evolution of money. We are looking for a Full Stack Engineer to join our team based in our office in downtown Vancouver/Or Remote working from Taiwan. Please reach out to us if this sounds like you:
- You have 6+ years of development experience preferably in FinTech banking, payment or related fields that involve digital forms of money.
- You have shipped multiple full-cycle software projects that created either high value to your clients or high impact or both.
- You have experience working in an Agile environment and understand the pressures and nuances that arise within such an environment.
- You are open to an in-office work culture (while we respect and provide hybrid work options, we place a premium on face-to-face contact).
- You are ready to work in a multicultural environment. You are ready to engage with teammates from different time zones.
- You are willing and able to take on leadership roles and think outside of your primary job function.
- You are an excellent communicator with particularly high levels of documentation skills.

- Ensuring user experience determines design choices.
- Striking a balance between functional and aesthetic design.
- Maintaining brand consistency throughout the design.
- Ensuring responsiveness of applications.
- Designing and developing APIs.
- Meeting both technical and consumer needs.
- Ensuring optimal performance of the central database and responsiveness to front-end requests.
- Designing customer-facing UI and back-end services for various business processes.
- Developing high-performance applications by writing testable, reusable, and efficient code.
- Running diagnostic tests, repairing defects, and providing technical support.
- Documenting Node.js processes, including database schemas, as well as preparing reports.
- Keeping informed of advancements in the field of Node.js development.

- A competitive salary.
- Year-end performance bonus plan.
- Performance-driven eligibility for stock options.
- Cool office space in downtown Vancouver with flexible work schedules.
- Unlimited vacation days.
- Dev-spec Macbook laptop and peripherals.
- Comprehensive extended health benefits for you and eligible family members.
- Ongoing training and learning opportunities.
- The opportunity to work with some of the smartest minds in the industry and contribute directly to making a difference that will touch the lives of billions.

Must have:
- JavaScript, TypeScript
- Java
- Postgresql, MongoDB

- Container Orchestration (Kubernetes, Docker)
- Cloud providers: AWS
- Android, Kotlin
- iOS

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : Y

薪資(年薪): USD $50-$70k per annum based on experience and skill levels

薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 12 個月

工時: Remote work; 8 hrours/day , Mon.-Fri.

- 溫哥華有辦公室
- 全遠端工作,目前有打算在台灣建一個team
- 同事遍佈 加拿大/南非/巴哈馬/新加坡/斯里蘭卡/台灣
- 主要是在做Sanddollar project, the world's first official central bank digital currency.

- 上班時間彈性
- 假期彈性 只要不是team特別忙 基本上都可以請 不扣薪

- year end bonus (1 month/ performance base)

Movmint Corporation is pioneering the pathway to define the future of money. We develop next-generation payment systems powered by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Our work involves consulting, technical design, development and deployment of cutting-edge software to solve problems around money faced byeveryday people. Our clients include central banks with CBDC agendas, as wellas traditional financial institutions looking to pivot their business into the
digital finance and currency space.

有興趣者再請將英文履歷寄至:[email protected]

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Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 6.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1702544210.A.F71.html
MoonCode1樓上班時間彈性 會不會要配合北美時間呢 12/14 17:10
stepnight2樓我比較在意居然拿Pixel 6 12/14 17:15
hegemon3樓你這個年薪range這麼大,要不要先縮減一下,要不然大家會 12/14 17:31
hegemon4樓直接當作40k USD 12/14 17:31
hegemon5樓你這個要求如果被認定是40k USD的話 嚴重偏低 12/14 17:32
hegemon6樓薪資嚴重偏低 12/14 17:32
abccbaandy7樓同樓上,兩倍範圍不知道想找啥等級的... 12/14 18:02
xx333f8樓賭你不懂行情,有機率騙到最低值 12/14 18:06
s06yji39樓=.= 我上次問類似的問題被酸爆。真的此一時彼一時 12/14 18:18
B098869808810樓通常薪水不正經的過去也很雷他修文也沒用 念在你是 12/14 19:34
B098869808811樓初犯 這次就先推文就好 12/14 19:34
MoonCode12樓抱著只有80的心去面試就沒問題了 12/14 20:04
chatnoir13樓80k 全遠端在台灣很不錯了啦~ 12/14 20:47
brucetu14樓樓上兩位應該是要說40才對 XD 80是最高 12/14 20:59
MoonCode15樓呃 就面試先說我要80就好了 12/14 21:31
thumbe3194916樓JS+typescript 最好還會手機雙平台,這個程度的感覺4 12/14 21:33
thumbe3194917樓0k 不太可能,蠻好奇你們是用RN開發嗎? 12/14 21:33
tony31618樓至少知道人家Recruitment Budget最高到哪,憑實力開價阿 12/14 23:19
spjay119樓痾。。。果然是華人老闆 JD 都寫很滿 12/15 03:44
Hsins20樓這個全端真的很全xD 12/15 10:33
chatnoir21樓改了變成50-70K ~~ www 居然降了 12/15 11:03
CoNsTaR22樓50k 在 Vancouver 不要笑死人了 以為在找實習生? 12/15 12:33
Nonsense823樓wow 資深全端連新人價都給不到… 12/15 12:39
MoonCode24樓欸不是原本 80 怎麼可以一直砍 這裡不是股票版 12/15 13:23
gocreating25樓competitive salary? 12/15 20:22
brucetu26樓什麼砍,薪資從40變50了 給推給推 12/16 13:26
hobnob27樓上限從80降到70,那不就表示一開始80根本給不到?那寫心 12/16 14:15
hobnob28樓酸的欸。文案要拉高下限,不是拉低上限 12/16 14:15
abccbaandy29樓上限本來就是看看就好阿,不然大家幹嘛都看下限? 12/16 14:17
hegemon30樓你這樣乾脆直接開60~65k USD. 再加上直接說會幫忙搞加拿 12/16 18:12
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