[新聞] 沒有男人的天空 更新! 飛船戰鬥!



No Man's Sky Outlaws



已經不是以前的NO MAN's SKY喇

Outlaw Stations
Outlaws have taken over space stations all across the galaxy. Outlaw systems
are dangerous, lawless places, with frequent conflict (but this all represents
an opportunity for players with an eye for raiding passing starships…)

A new series of missions leads players towards pockets of rebellion, where
they’ll find an underworld offering pirate missions, black-market technology,
and a chance to acquire valuable goods illegal elsewhere in the galaxy. Like-
minded players can even acquire a forged passport that will allow them by-pass
the authorities.

Solar Starship
With unique solar-powered sail and sleek bodywork, this is the vessel of
choice for those looking to speed between the stars. The Solar Ship is No Man
’s Sky’s first new starship since the start of 2020. There is considerable
variety across this range of ships, so look forward to scouring the galaxy for
the perfect version to match your existing fleet. The maximum number of ships
a player can own has been raised from six to nine, so you don’t have to
worry about limiting your fleet either.

Illegal goods can be purchased in outlaw systems and be smuggled out for a
significant profit. A smuggler’s life is dangerous. The Sentinels are on the
lookout for contraband, and discovery is only a cargo probe away…

Cargo Inventories
All players - not just the smugglers - will benefit from the addition of
specialist cargo inventories to all starships. These high-capacity slots can
store large quantities of cargo, and storage-hungry players can unlock extra
slots from the ship upgrade terminal found on all space stations.

Players can now recruit and upgrade their own wingmen. Collect your perfect
set of ships and pilots. Each pilot comes with their own abilities, and can be
upgraded over time to improve the combat ability.

Space Combat
Space combat has been overhauled for speed and excitement. Handling has been
improved, weapons have new visual effects and enemy starships now have shields
. Depth has also been added to weapon selection with a variety of specialist
secondary effects, such as slowing enemy engines or disabling shield systems.
Ship-to-ship combat can now occur within a planet’s atmosphere too - and
pirates may raid your settlements. For those who find Space Combat difficult,
flight accessibility has been significantly improved with a new Auto-Follow


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1649856981.A.6CE.html
RaiGend05191樓很想買可是看別人說很快就膩惹... 04/13 21:49
RaiGend05192樓看著看著也兩三年過去惹 04/13 21:50
qoodboy263樓太神了 發售這麼久還有免費更新 04/14 00:03
william4564樓看到開頭哪天更新光劍對決也不意外 04/14 01:47
chouki5樓良心公司真的要好好支持下QQ 04/14 03:35
chouki6樓膩了是還好,就AFK等更新再回鍋囉XD這遊戲久沒玩也不會有 04/14 03:37
chouki7樓追趕問題 04/14 03:37
alejandroW8樓完全沒玩過的話蠻適合買的啦 無聊是說它的星球探索的 04/14 13:34
alejandroW9樓深度和廣度還是做不出來 但以初次接觸來說是可以享受 04/14 13:34
alejandroW10樓一陣子的 希望以後還能把星球內涵做深一點 陸地和海都 04/14 13:34
alejandroW11樓 04/14 13:34
BITMajo12樓很有良心,但畢竟遊戲骨子裡就是自動生成的星球,這點 04/14 16:43
BITMajo13樓很難改變,現在持續不斷加新東西新功能,不過怎麼加都 04/14 16:44
BITMajo14樓很難把整個宇宙填滿 04/14 16:44
rp2ew12315樓回頭摸了一下,很快就膩是真的,每個元素都來一點 04/14 19:26
rp2ew12316樓每個都做得不怎麼好,還是個半成品 04/14 19:26
BITMajo17樓這款最開心的時候就是第一次上太空 04/14 19:28
BITMajo18樓然後當你降落到太空站後,那種情緒就開始削減了 04/14 19:28
JamesHunt19樓推良心教科書,值得所有廠商借鑒。丟半成品不是問題, 04/15 06:55
JamesHunt20樓丟法才是。 04/15 06:55
BITMajo21樓我覺得還是盡量不要丟半成品啦... 04/15 08:22
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