原文標題:Tesla plans to delay robotaxi event to October from August
Shares of Tesla are down sharply on this headline. Shares were working on a
13(!)-day winning streak earlier today but this should be the end of that.
The initial event was scheduled for August 8 but it appears as though the
robotaxi won't be ready. I think one of things driving the recent rally was a
belief that FSD was solved (or that someone buying it knew it was).
Interestingly, Morgan Stanley was out with a note today highlighting that
they still hadn't received an invitation to the August event.
消息一出 股價直接跳水
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1720713764.A.02C.htmllaogiby1樓這波回180 不要不信 07/12 00:04
HEINOUS2樓只要做Ai機器人 沒空 07/12 00:04
timtimhaha3樓下面那一段在講三小… 07/12 00:05
→ baka14124樓
07/12 00:05 zuoo5358025樓穩住… 07/12 00:06
→ timtimhaha6樓重點就前三段 大摩還沒收到event邀請 07/12 00:06
realmd7樓中國都跑到計程車駕駛要失業了 沒理由比較慢呀 07/12 00:07
rexwis8樓追高的散戶又被玩爛 07/12 00:07
twerk9樓這還只是發表會 真正上可能都五年後了 特吹慢慢等 07/12 00:07
cchh17910樓官方尚未證實 沒邀請說不定是線上發表會? 07/12 00:08
visadanny11樓垃圾車 07/12 00:08
madeinheaven12樓我早說了詐騙公司 07/12 00:09
→ rexwis13樓如果我還在車上 看到這根肯定吐血 07/12 00:09
j65p4m314樓等我出完在跌阿大哥 07/12 00:10
→ damn112015樓笑死 登愣 登愣 登愣 登愣登 07/12 00:10
yukai091916樓多兩個月可以炒不香嗎? 07/12 00:11
F9393517樓怎麼可能百度做得出來 特斯拉做不出來 07/12 00:11
cchh17918樓目前都只是謠言階段... 07/12 00:11
turndown4wat19樓打得贏亞馬遜的zoox嗎 07/12 00:12
sa87a1620樓直接說明年都不一定 07/12 00:13
→ sa87a1621樓7/17財報一定炸裂,要回180鎂 07/12 00:13
a00000000022樓卒業予定 07/12 00:13
loveponpon23樓裴洛西阿嬤真的有料 07/12 00:13
→ sa87a1624樓特斯拉操作,180-260區間,180可能破底140 07/12 00:14
pnpncat25樓舒服~ 07/12 00:14
→ sa87a1626樓馬投顧常常唬爛時間,都會提早喊但不會食言,可是 07/12 00:15
→ sa87a1627樓一個執行者唬爛久了真的會讓人賭爛 07/12 00:15
raygod28樓不重要 反正股價早就噴了 07/12 00:15
bj4556629樓中國百度的蘿蔔快跑今年的業績成長到快嚇死計程車司 07/12 00:16
→ bj4556630樓機了,特斯拉爭氣點好嗎? 07/12 00:16