[新聞] Meta 計劃下一波裁員




Meta delays setting team budgets as Facebook parent plans fresh round of
layoffs, Financial Times reports




February 11, 20238:10 AM PST



Feb 11 (Reuters) - Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc (META.O) has delayed
finalizing the budgets of multiple teams as it prepares a fresh round of job
cuts, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.

In recent weeks there had been a lack of clarity surrounding budgets and
future head count, the FT reported, citing two Meta employees familiar with
the situation.

Meta did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment outside of
normal business hours.
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Earlier this month, Meta announced that it expects its 2023 expenses at
between $89 billion and $95 billion, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg calling the
period a "Year of Efficiency."

The WhatsApp owner had cut more than 11,000 jobs or 13% of its workforce in
November, following such tech companies as Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) and
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) which have announced thousands of layoffs due to the
economic downturn.


基本上這篇在說 Meta 延遲好幾個 team 的預算,正在準備下一波的裁員。另外一篇
相關報導 ( https://tinyurl.com/8crsn2bc ) 提到下一波裁員可能會在三月 review


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1676142252.A.C3B.html
maxrpg1樓問就是噴不要意外 02/12 03:09
tbrs2樓都漲幾倍了 沒上車還裁 02/12 03:20
omanorboyo3樓裁員就漲這題材炒過了 換殺裁員就跌的題材 02/12 03:22
jjjjjjs4樓隨便 02/12 04:16
Sugimoto55665樓賺爛了 02/12 05:51
gso19876樓祖克柏吃大便 02/12 06:20
ynd7樓感覺還好 又不是裁員50% 沒事兒 沒事兒 02/12 06:31
sagarain8樓噴爆 02/12 06:33
golang9樓大爆噴 02/12 06:44
jemc190510樓內需供需強盛,科技業轉不過去,可以去服務業 02/12 07:33
bear200811樓找不到利多 只好裁員來讓股價噴出了 02/12 07:47
imba78912樓裁員就是噴爛 02/12 07:48
kougousei13樓問就是噴 02/12 07:51
anachronism14樓快輪到台灣裁了 02/12 07:53
AtDe15樓噴爆了 02/12 08:20
COLINLIU16樓噴爆 02/12 08:24
lc8530117樓 02/12 08:35
ioy101018樓都員工裁完不就漲到 02/12 08:39
Brioni19樓要不要裁光順便清算 02/12 08:46
ataky20樓今年一定 02/12 08:59
musi21樓要噴了!! 02/12 09:00
mirce22樓又要漲了 02/12 09:11
poiuy17823樓外商真香讚讚讚 02/12 09:12
giveUstars24樓老美還有需求旺盛的服務業去 02/12 09:13
snpr25樓宏達電準備連續10根漲停板 02/12 09:14
abiggun26樓 02/12 09:17
gn0262093827樓裁94噴 裁掉垃圾 還不噴爆 02/12 09:19
AustinRivers28樓賺爛了 02/12 09:21
x36023x3602329樓 02/12 09:36
ptta30樓景氣好,股票回購;景氣不好,裁員節流。 02/12 09:36
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