[新聞] NY Fed: “絕對” 致力於達成2%通膨目標




Fed is 'absolutely' committed to 2% inflation target, Williams says

NY Fed 主席 Williams: Fed “絕對” 致力於達成2%通膨目標





February 23, 20237:23 AM GMT+8Last Updated 41 min ago



Feb 22 (Reuters) - New York Federal Reserve Bank President John Williams on Wednesday said the U.S. central bank is "absolutely" committed to bringing inflation back down to its 2% target over the next few years, by bringing demand down in line with constrained supply.

"Our job is clear: our job is to make sure we restore price stability, which is truly the foundation of a strong economy," Williams said at a conference hosted at the bank.

He noted that with global supply chains still disrupted, goods prices may not continue their recent decline, and inflation in core services excluding housing continues to be far too high, driven by too much demand relative to supply.

NY Fed 主席 John Williams 提到,美國央行“絕對”致力於將通膨在未來幾年內帶到2%的目標,主要透過壓抑需求,壓到與受限的供給一致的水準。


他也提到供應鏈仍舊受到中斷,商品價格可能無法持續近期的下跌,核心服務 (扣除居住) 的通膨也還太高,主因為相對於供給過高的需求。



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