[新聞] 美國確定關閉烏克蘭大使館



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US closing embassy in Kyiv and moving remaining diplomats to western Ukraine amid fears of Russian invasion (請勿刪減原文標題)


By Jennifer Hansler and Kylie Atwood, CNN
Updated 0141 GMT (0941 HKT) February 15, 2022


(CNN)The United States is closing the US Embassy in Kyiv and "temporarily relocating" the small number of remaining diplomatic personnel in the country to Lviv, a city in western Ukraine, "due to the dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian forces," Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Monday.

"I have ordered these measures for one reason -- the safety of our staff -- and we strongly urge any remaining US citizens in Ukraine to leave the country immediately," Blinken said in a statement.
The moves comes days after the US ordered the vast majority of US government employees to leave the country and announced that consular services at the US Embassy would be suspended as of Sunday amid fears of an imminent Russian invasion, even as US officials stressed they remain committed to trying to find a diplomatic outcome.
Although Moscow has said it is open to negotiation, State Department spokesperson Ned Price noted Monday that "it remains unclear to us whether Russia is interested in pursuing a diplomatic path as opposed to the use of force."
A source familiar with the matter told CNN that a Russian attack on Ukraine sometime this week is more likely than not. But if Russia does not make a move this week, the source noted, it does not necessarily mean it won't happen -- Russia can maintain its current force posture for quite some time.

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zesonpso1樓關了 隔天 再開 就是笑話了 02/15 11:20
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ef8637565樓已反映 02/15 11:20
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zesonpso7樓這個可能要問阿共 02/15 11:21
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sunnywing9樓要是沒打不就糗了 02/15 11:21
sakukio10樓搞得我好亂 02/15 11:21
kairiyu11樓關大使館=24小時開戰? 你太天真 02/15 11:21
KrebikShaw12樓沒打不會糗啊,美國喊話的策略是要增加籌碼 02/15 11:22
dennistsao13樓打~都打~來個世界大戰3.0重回舊石器時代最好 02/15 11:22
xninjax14樓別再演了啦 02/15 11:22
yuen102915樓美國:趕快撤 趕快打 俄羅斯:….會持續跟美國溝通 02/15 11:22
bezlin16樓想看亞果出任務2 02/15 11:22
s3z15a3z15a17樓俄羅斯: 褲子都脫一半..到底 02/15 11:22
pnsboy18樓24小時應該是謠傳2/16開打吧 02/15 11:22
Senga4119樓美國很他們想打啊 別人家的小孩死不完XD 02/15 11:22
super094920樓戲要演全套 02/15 11:23
Inland21樓俄羅斯打了自己最虧,以後只能賣中國了 02/15 11:23
KrebikShaw22樓上一邊不是說普丁想跟美國繼續談嗎 02/15 11:23
tse540023樓只有美國自己想打啊 02/15 11:23
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s95534626樓烏俄明明就不想打...美國卻急著要打zzz 02/15 11:24
KrebikShaw27樓就是因為美國在那邊喊,俄國才做出回應的 02/15 11:24
reeeeeeeeeee28樓拜登超急XD 失智老人下去還我普投顧 02/15 11:24
shinyi44429樓美國是不是很想打== 02/15 11:24
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