[標的] MU.US 美光財報 CEO:低谷掰



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官方新聞稿 https://t.ly/F5BU

June 28, 2023 at 4:04 PM EDT

Further reducing wafer starts to approach 30% in both DRAM and NAND
BOISE, Idaho, June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Micron Technology, Inc.

(Nasdaq: MU) today announced results for its third quarter of fiscal 2023,
which ended June 1, 2023.

Fiscal Q3 2023 highlights

-Revenue of $3.75 billion versus $3.69 billion for the prior quarter and $8.64
billion for the same period last year

-GAAP net loss of $1.90 billion, or $1.73 per diluted share

-Non-GAAP net loss of $1.57 billion, or $1.43 per diluted share

-Operating cash flow of $24 million versus $343 million for the prior quarter
and $3.84 billion for the same period last year

“Micron delivered fiscal third quarter revenue, gross margin, and EPS all
above the midpoint of the guidance range,” said Micron Technology President
and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra. “We believe that the memory industry has passed its
trough in revenue, and we expect margins to improve as industry supply-demand
balance is gradually restored. The recent Cyberspace Administration of China (
“CAC”) decision is a significant headwind that is impacting our outlook and
slowing our recovery. Longer-term, Micron’s technology leadership, product
portfolio, and operational excellence continues to strengthen our competitive
positioning across diverse growth markets, including AI and memory-centric

席執行官Sanjay Mehrotra表示。“我們認為記憶體行業已經度過了收入的低谷,隨著行

4. 進退場機制:(非長期投資者,必須有停損機制。討論、心得類免填)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1688012647.A.767.html
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