[新聞] 伊朗軍艦進入紅海 (德國之聲)



原文標題:Iranian warship enters Red Sea as tensions soar



發布時間: 1/2 05:00 GMT+8



Iran's Alborz warship has entered the Red Sea, the semi-official Tasnim news
agency reported on Monday, with the reports coming just hours after the US
said it had sunk three ships, killing 10 Houthi militants, and Britain warned
it will not hesitate in taking "direct action" to prevent further attacks on
shipping in the stretch.


The presence of the Iranian warship is likely to ratchet up already high
tensions in the Middle East amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. Since the
conflict started, multiple vessels in area have been attacked by forces
allied to Tehran.


The Iran-backed Houthis from Yemen have been targeting ships since November
to show their support for Hamas, the group designated as a terror network by
the US, the EU and others.

In response, many major shipping companies have stopped sending their ship
through the Suez Canal. The canal is a crucial trade route between the Red
Sea and the Mediterranean, handling about 12% of world trade, but an
increasing number of ships now takes the longer and more costly route around
Africa's Cape of Good Hope.


感覺因為的確船期也延誤了 不像是單純供給面正面衝擊直接拉高價格



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (英國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1704155073.A.069.html
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DDDDRR3樓美國別撐了 開始印鈔降息了吧 01/02 08:33
YesNoter4樓咕嚕咕嚕 01/02 08:36
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SkyPlus13樓倒不如像第一次波灣戰爭那樣揍到海珊不敢講話就好 01/02 09:08
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s21309292115樓自由航行而已,大驚小怪 01/02 09:10
s21309292116樓伊朗沒核武幹嘛簽署核協議?台灣需要簽署核協議嗎 01/02 09:11
Jeff198917樓買長榮比陽明好吧 01/02 09:12
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s21309292120樓日表示,美國將繼續採取自我防衛的舉動,並聲稱美 01/02 09:27
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bndan28樓海 XD 01/02 09:44
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uller30樓自我防衛就是反擊 商船經過就是有風險 01/02 09:54
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