原文標題:The S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI was revised upward to 52.2
The S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI was revised upward to 52.2 in February
2024, surpassing a preliminary estimate of 51.5 and January's 50.7. This
latest reading indicated the swiftest expansion in the country's
manufacturing sector since July 2022, with output rising the most since May
2022 and total new orders growing at the strongest pace in 21 months.
Additionally, new export orders expanded for the first time in three months,
achieving the fastest rate since May 2022. The pace of job creation
accelerated to a five-month high, and input buying saw an increase for the
first time since July 2022. Regarding prices, input cost inflation cooled to
its lowest point since last November, while selling prices rose at the
fastest pace in ten months. Lastly, business confidence retreated from
January's 21-month high
PMI回升超出預期 製造業擴大史高 通膨回落到去年11月以來新低
難怪一開直接開美股直接噴 TSM都4%了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (英國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1709305618.A.F0E.htmlqazsedcft1樓降息降息 遙遙無期 03/01 23:07
→ payneblue2樓經濟軟著陸 03/01 23:08
ep3011773樓噴 03/01 23:08
a08089964樓救命啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03/01 23:08
lonzoball025樓通膨回落為啥國債開低 03/01 23:10
strlen6樓這根本是不著陸了 03/01 23:12
Feting7樓不降息經濟一樣好,股市當然噴噴噴 03/01 23:12
nowitzki02078樓看ISM比較重要,不如預期 03/01 23:13
→ Uncontinue9樓因為11點開的ISM低於預期吧 03/01 23:13
Riesz10樓製造業擴張 且CPI維持三 根本是起飛 不折鹿了 03/01 23:13
→ Uncontinue11樓11點開的那一串不是符合預期就是低於預期 03/01 23:13
03/01 23:14 DAEVA13樓啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 03/01 23:15
murrayace14樓ism47.8低於預期 兩樣情 03/01 23:15
→ murrayace15樓ism在跑回測的時候比較有參考價值 03/01 23:15
lonzoball0216樓謝謝 03/01 23:15
aegis4321017樓六月才會降息了吧,美國經濟居然沒有頹勢 03/01 23:16
howhow80112218樓升息完了 03/01 23:17
murrayace19樓fed在估GDP的時候也是用ism 03/01 23:17
aaronkuan20樓訂單縮,一些公司裁員。股市噴狂,降通膨?? 03/01 23:18
stocktonty21樓越昇經濟越好 繼續升息升起來!! 03/01 23:19
leon1757tw22樓經濟不用著陸了 繼續起飛 03/01 23:19
Chenrick23樓有差嗎 反正都買多(? 03/01 23:20
murrayace24樓2006 2007 ism製造業PMI也是低檔整理 03/01 23:21
→ murrayace25樓股市末升段 03/01 23:21
→ murrayace26樓超大的一條魚尾巴 03/01 23:21
pisu27樓經濟衰退才會降息。目前經濟強勁到爆欸 03/01 23:21
harpuia28樓開甚麼都在噴=.= 美股全部都變妖股 03/01 23:22
swatseal29樓下周一台股要19500了? 03/01 23:24
→ swatseal30樓至少GG應該會上700 03/01 23:24