[新聞] 被進口限制的俄羅斯公司轉向使用中國的x86替代方案




With Russia cut off from foreign processor makers Intel and AMD,
the country has been scrambling to switch to more local CPUs and components.


Russia's latest step in securing supply chains for new computers comes in the
form of a newly released desktop motherboard designed to support x86-
compatible CPUs made by Chinese chip designer Zhaoxin,
which is a joint venture between Taiwan's Via Technologies and the Shanghai
municipal government.


The new motherboard, called MBX-Z60A, is made by electronics manufacturer Dannie,
which has headquarters in Russia and China, according to a machine translation
of an article published last week by Russian-language news aggregator Habr.

產品代號為 MBX-Z60A,由電子零件製造商Dannie製造,它在中國與俄羅斯皆有設立總部。

The motherboard was designed to help Russia replace the x86 processors
it can no longer get from Intel and AMD due to export bans imposed by the US
and other countries.


Habr said that Danny LLC, the Russian division of Dannie producing the motherboard,
has the capability to make tens of thousands of boards every month,
and that could expand over time.


The MBX-Z60A has a micro-ATX form factor, meaning it can fit in smaller desktops,
and the CPU going inside is Zhaoxin's KaiXian KX-6640MA. There is some conflicting
information on the processor's specs. Habr said that it has eight cores, but test
results submitted for the Geekbench and PassMark benchmarks indicate that
the KX-6640MA has four cores.

為兆芯的 「開先 KX-6640MA」。目前外界對於這顆CPU有些彼此矛盾的資訊,根據Habr所述:

This is corroborated in a report by CNX Software, where benchmarks showed a base
frequency of 2.1 GHz, a turbo frequency of 2.6 GHz, an L2 cache of 4MB, and a
thermal design power of 25 watts. The processor also comes with 16 lanes of
PCIe 3.0 connectivity and USB 3.0 support.

後者可從CNX Software的報告得到佐證。在其效能測試結果中顯示,其基頻 2.1 GHz、
在啟動高負載運行時可達2.6 Ghz。有著4MB的L2快取,TDP為25瓦。另外有著x16的PCIe 3.0
與USB 3.0的支援。

In other words, the KX-6640MA isn't just behind the times in terms of features,
it's also not fast — at all — even when compared to recent smartphone chips,
as Habr notes.


According to test results submitted for the PassMark benchmark, the KX-6640MA
had an average CPU mark score of 1,566, which puts it at a fraction of
the 8,543 score notched by Apple's A14 Bionic chip that goes in 2020's
iPhone 12 family of smartphones.

根據上傳到PassMark的效能測試報告,KX-6640MA在CPU分數上的平均表現為 1,566分;
而 Apple 在2020年的 iPhone12 上所使用的Apple A14則有著 8,543 分。

When you compare the KX-6640MA to four-core options from Intel,it's very
unflattering for Zhaoxin, given that the CPU seems to have come out last year.
For instance, Intel's Core i5-2500K from 2011 has an average CPU mark score
that is 2.5x higher than the KX-6640MA, and the score for Intel's Core i3-12100 from
this year is more than 9x higher.

當您將 KX-6640MA 與 Intel 的四核心處理器相比,有鑑於它是去年發布的商品,
實在很難做出溢美之詞。即便是 2011 年 Intel 的 Core i5-2500K,它的效能測試分數都有
KX-6640MA 的 2.5 倍的差距,而今年發布的 Core i3-12100 更是達到9倍之譜。

Linux is the bone of my world.
Kernel is mybody, and initramfs is myblood,
have created over a thousand Distros.

Unknown to impossibility.
Nor known to limitation.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1653044299.A.664.html
ason1樓威盛不是也有嗎XD 05/20 20:03
本人2樓之前賣給兆芯了 05/20 20:09
seanidiot3樓軍用首重可靠度和穩定度吧 05/20 20:33
outzumin4樓你覺得中國產品有在考慮可靠度嗎? 05/20 20:44
GanKer5樓王雪紅…… 05/20 20:51
henryyeh55666樓威盛有自己的ip相對不太會被美國影響,起飛了?! 05/20 23:05
其實我一直蠻好奇他們市場中這類自研/自製處理器的市場大小、持續性 我自己本身因為算是一個(半個?)CPU產業討飯吃的從業人員 從 (1) Motorola賣斷(一說贈與)M core給中天微、國芯 以及 (2) 中科計算所商轉龍芯、開始弄筆電 這兩個比較在技術層面沒有爭議的指標事件後,多少有接收到一些消息 每隔幾年就會看到一些想跨進desktop/laptop的新聞稿 但是似乎總是看不太到延續性的感覺
ipojay7樓中國 X86 CPU 還有一款海光做的,由 AMD 授權1代Zen 05/21 21:13
ipojay8樓不過未來AMD不會再授權給海光了 05/21 21:13
tokeyohop9樓目前還是要等這些自己說 桌機 跟 平板自己自主核心 05/22 08:51
tokeyohop10樓的 除了蘋果 其他主流都是AMD intel 05/22 08:51
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