[新聞] Sam Altman回歸Open AI CEO




Sam Altman is back as the chief executive of OpenAI.
The hot tech startup behind ChatGPT said late Tuesday that Altman and the boar
d of the nonprofit group that oversees the company came to an agreement in pri
nciple for Altman to return as CEO with a new board to replace the one that ou
sted him Friday.

OpenAIsaid on Xthat its new board would be constituted with three initial
members: former Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor, former White House adviser and
Harvard University President Larry Summers and Adam D’Angelo, the CEO of the
website Quora and a former early Facebook employee.

“We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your p
atience through this,” the companysaidon X in an unsigned post.
D’Angelo already was a member of the OpenAI board, but other previous board m
embers will not remain. The outgoing members include tech entrepreneur Tasha M
cCauley, OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever and Helen Toner, director of st
rategy and foundational research grants at Georgetown University’s Center for
Security and Emerging Technology.
The board members never gave specific details behind their decision to remove
Altman as CEO, other than its statement on Friday.

Sam Altman 回歸Open AI CEO。當初開除他的董事會成員們也大換血,只有前Quora CEO
Adam D'Angelo留下來。新的董事會成員確認的還有前Salesforce CEO Bret Taylor,前
白宮顧問跟哈佛大學校長Larry Summers。到現在董事會還是沒有說明為何上周要開除Sam

Sent from MeowPtt on my iPhone

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gnitcue4樓lmao 11/23 07:39
d589745樓因為有條件是董事會要重組了啊XD,這齣戲真的精彩 11/23 07:47
jobintan6樓哈哈,宮鬥期間,ChatGPT還down time,快修吧。 11/23 08:01
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bunjie9樓挾者微軟當靠山的支持強勢回歸 11/23 11:45
ManOfSteel10樓果然夠強就還是可以反殺XD 11/23 12:14
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