[新聞] 星宇航空正式加入TSA pre check



[媒體名稱] 美國TSA媒體新聞稿
[新聞日期] 2023/12/19
[網址] https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2023/12/19/tsa-precheckr-progra


交通安全局(TSA)今日宣布擴大TSA PreCheck計畫,新增了包含臺灣的星宇航空。隨著
這些航空公司的加入,現在有94家國內和國際航空公司參與TSA PreCheck計畫。TSA PreC

National Press Release

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

WASHINGTON – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced today
the expansion of its TSA PreCheck? program with the addition of Norse Atlanti
c Airways, Lynx Air, Starlux Airlines and Fiji Airways. With these additions,
there are now 94 domestic and international carriers participating in the TSA
PreCheck program.
TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program enabling low-risk travelers to
enjoy a secure and efficient screening experience at more than 200 U.S. airpor
ts. TSA PreCheck passengers travel with ease and may keep their shoes, belts a
nd light jackets on and are not required to remove laptops, 3-1-1 liquids and
food items from their carry-on bags. About 99% of TSA PreCheck passengers wait
less than 10 minutes in dedicated lanes at airport checkpoints nationwide.
TSA PreCheck is available for eligible passengers when departing from a U.S. a
irport or when connecting on domestic flights, after returning to the United S
tates. Travelers who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals and U.S. lawful permane
nt residents may apply for TSA PreCheck and can pick any enrollment provider b
ased on cost, locations and additional benefits. Costs for enrollment vary by
Enrolling in TSA PreCheck is easy. Visit tsa.gov/precheck and choose one of th
e enrollment providers, Telos or IDEMIA, complete the online application in fi
ve minutes and schedule your 10-minute in-person appointment with your chosen
provider to complete the enrollment.
Once approved, travelers receive a unique “Known Traveler Number” (KTN) that
, when added to an airline reservation, makes them eligible to use TSA PreChec
k lanes at security checkpoints nationwide when traveling on any of the partic
ipating airlines. Most new enrollees receive a KTN within three to five days.
Teenagers aged 13-17 may now accompany TSA PreCheck enrolled parents or guardi
ans through TSA PreCheck screening when traveling on the same reservation and
when the TSA PreCheck indicator appears on the teen’s boarding pass. Children
12 and under may accompany an enrolled parent or guardian in the TSA PreCheck
lanes without restriction.
Enrolled airline passengers must look for the TSA PreCheck indicator (such as
TSAPRECHK, TSA PRE, or TSA Pre✓?) on their boarding pass before approaching a
TSA checkpoint to confirm they are eligible for TSA PreCheck screening.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1703037380.A.6FC.html
cityport1樓上次在MCI..朋友跑老遠去pre check比我走一般安檢還慢 12/20 09:59
cityport2樓EWR更別提了..線開得少..pre check根本只差一個脫鞋時間 12/20 10:00
cityport3樓換3D掃描後..基本只差一個脫鞋+舉手的時間 12/20 10:02
cityport4樓還不如看哪條安檢線人比較少 12/20 10:02
ahodes5樓星黑已哭 (哈哈哈哈哈哈~) 12/20 10:05
cruise6樓Pre check要看時段才有用,以美西起飛都半夜的時段,用到 12/20 10:12
cruise7樓的機會不大 12/20 10:12
jojojo8樓西雅圖機場晚上十一點有時候人也是很多的。 12/20 10:16
t3400812319樓星黑上次不是才在說星宇不可能加入XD 12/20 10:20
TSMCfabXX10樓不可能!我二弟天下無敵.gif 12/20 10:31
SILee11樓航空公司要加入pre-check認證才能用global entry入境嗎? 12/20 10:37
SILee12樓還是兩個無關? 12/20 10:37
lucifero13樓星粉高潮(啊啊啊啊啊啊~) 12/20 10:41
meatballisme14樓SFO的tsa pre 有跟沒有一樣,動線超級混亂然後沒有 12/20 10:45
meatballisme15樓資格的也是放進來一起檢驗。反而離島HNL的快速順暢 12/20 10:45
meatballisme16樓多了 12/20 10:45
meatballisme17樓然後掃護照的人特別給你一張卡片說明不用拖鞋不用拿 12/20 10:47
meatballisme18樓平板電腦出包包,結果旁邊後面沒幾公尺的TSA人員那 12/20 10:47
meatballisme19樓屌你還是說要全部倒出來 12/20 10:47
本人20樓星粉星黑 一個期待看人家出事 一個期待看它進步 12/20 10:59
js5266621樓太神了 (跪 12/20 11:08
lucifero22樓原來星宇都不能檢討的呢~ 檢討就說人家是期待出事 12/20 11:09
lucifero23樓檢討也是希望星宇可以進步好嗎 星粉可能不清楚 自己才是 12/20 11:10
lucifero24樓星宇招黑的最主要原因 還是趕快回去聖地一言堂取暖 12/20 11:10
VisaInfinite25樓松山機場TSA 12/20 11:12
KR0726樓星粉更期待腸溶出事吧 12/20 11:21
本人27樓可以檢討啊 只是每次其他航空公司出事下面就會留言說沒 12/20 11:29
本人28樓有驚品睡袋都不算 這算哪門子檢討 只是冷嘲熱諷吧 12/20 11:29
ahodes29樓淨拿著長榮、華航的日常(delay,美國簽證,飛機故障)放大 12/20 11:30
ahodes30樓檢視(婊)星宇,現在人家公關直接貼新聞說他們通過TSA pre 12/20 11:30
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