[新聞] 拜登疑似失言稱:我有癌症




Biden's cancer claim shocks Twitter users: Either 'biggest bombshell' or
'biggest gaffe'

原文連結: https://ibit.ly/mixb

發布時間:Wednesday, July 20

記者署名:By Lindsay Kornick | Fox News


A clip of President Biden on Wednesday appearing to claim in a speech that he
has cancer sparked alarm on Twitter.

Biden was visiting a former coal power plant in Somerset, Massachusetts, to
discuss new executive orders to fight climate change.

While discussing the harm caused by emissions from oil refineries, Biden
referenced his childhood home in Delaware and said that he and many other
people he grew up with now "have" cancer.

"My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what? The
first frost, you know what was happening? You had to put on your windshield
wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so
damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest
time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation," Biden said.

Independent Women’s Forum senior fellow Beverly Hallberg wrote, "Pro Tip:
Don't say you have cancer when you don't."

Conservative writer Chad Felix Greene tweeted, "From the people who
hyperventilated over demanding Trump told people to inject themselves with
bleach, they sure are trying hard to avoid, 'I and so many people my age have
cancer because of windshield wipers cleaning oil off my car.'"

Washington Times columnist Tim Young joked, "Maybe Joe Biden meant to say
that he, himself is a cancer to America."

"If Biden DOESN’T/DIDN’T have cancer, this isn’t ‘misspeaking’ or a
speech impediment. It’s just the latest in a long line of fabulist talking
points everyone has let him off the hook for over the years," political
consultant Ellen Carmichael wrote.


找到一篇中文的報導 https://ibit.ly/eHqZ


有點長 下面大多都是社群媒體的各種發言or追蹤.有興趣就點連結看吧.




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s1552601樓失智 07/21 21:22
DAEVA2樓這是哪裡 我是誰 這裡不太像我待的老人院 07/21 21:22
uuuc12233樓..... 07/21 21:23
dylan05144樓要噴了 07/21 21:24
kamichu5樓預言有這麼準? 07/21 21:24
empliu6樓沒失言才是新聞 07/21 21:24
FlynnZhang7樓自己選的 07/21 21:24
ji3g4zo68樓沒失智再報好不好== 07/21 21:25
chinaeatshit9樓美國下次推荷馬辛普森出來選 應該也會有人投他 07/21 21:25
andy7932310樓失智 07/21 21:26
patri005211樓他是說我是巨蟹座 07/21 21:26
k7513112樓失智老人不意外 07/21 21:26
kmjx13樓任期真的做不完了 大利多 07/21 21:26
strlen14樓有病就快滾 佔著茅坑不拉屎 07/21 21:27
jack2102315樓怎麼有種釣魚的感覺 07/21 21:28
fman16樓現在癌症也不是絕症了,治療方式很多,順利的話是可 07/21 21:28
fman17樓以當慢性病控制的 07/21 21:29
本人18樓但其實還是會嚇到人就是了 更何況是長者 07/21 21:29
本人19樓而且比起健康 更多人關心到底是否又失言XD 07/21 21:30
RuRu556620樓癌症不是絕症,但是他年紀太...很危險 07/21 21:31
justdoit21樓老人癌細胞搞不好比較沒活力 07/21 21:32
zxcv9103922樓只是失智亂講話吧 07/21 21:32
stanleyplus23樓真的倒了就噴了 07/21 21:34
cage82051824樓這算失智嗎 07/21 21:34
Infinair25樓後來白宮不是出來澄清,說是之前已經治療好的皮膚癌 07/21 21:34
Infinair26樓。但如果是真的也不意外 07/21 21:35
lmc6627樓失智比癌症可怕多了 07/21 21:35
CYC4028樓想念我川 07/21 21:35
ledmstony29樓利多 噴 07/21 21:36
rbull30樓真的是沒看過這麼不想連任的 公開自己不適合當總統 07/21 21:36
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