[新聞] 三星良率低到逼迫高通換供應商




Samsung set out on an ambitious plan to bolster its chip business by producing
semiconductors for other companies. However, one of its largest clients – Qu
alcomm – is now reportedly seeking the services of TSMC due to Samsung Foundr
y’s low yield.

A report by The Elec (via SamMobile) states that Qualcomm is even asking TSMC
to make a portion of its 4nm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset. This is despite Samsu
ng Foundry being listed as the sole manufacturer of the chip when it was first
announced. The decision barely comes as a surprise given that Samsung Foundry
’s yield for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 was only 35%.

What this also means is that Qualcomm will partner with TSMC for its upcoming
3nm SoCs. The report adds that the Exynos 2200 has an even lower yield than th
e Qualcomm chip. So Samsung clearly has a lot of thinking to do.
其實三星自家的Exynos 2200良率更低

According to a source quoted by The Elec, Qualcomm executives and technical pe
rsonnel were physically present at Samsung Foundry’s units to oversee the pro
duction of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. This explains why Qualcomm’s chip witnesse
d a better yield than Samsung’s own Exynos 2200. But Qualcomm’s decision to
move to TSMC indicates that the yield troubles couldn’t be fully resolved.

Last year, tech giant NVIDIA shifted orders of its new 7nm GPU to TSMC due to
Samsung’s yield issues. Moreover, the global chip shortage has brought enormo
us pressure on suppliers to meet demand. The low yield further adds to the com
pany’s woes. As for corporations like Qualcomm or NVIDIA, supply is everythin
g. So they’re left with no option but to make alternate arrangements.

Nvidia is set to spend at least $10B to secure its share of limited 5nm chip s

Sent from MeowPtt on my iPad

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1645543440.A.584.html
flower421樓 02/22 23:33
flower422樓我看了什麼.jpg 02/22 23:33
outzumin3樓包莖去割掉啊 02/22 23:39
Jerry4694樓沒事 有記憶體事業在養 02/22 23:39
flower425樓不過良率不到35%還量產是啥概念 02/22 23:40
Royalweger6樓包莖1有這樣的綽號啊 02/22 23:42
jack168168tw7樓8 Gen 1 包___1 02/22 23:43
s16123168樓翻譯是不是在臭 02/22 23:43
et78787899樓ai翻譯嗎? 02/22 23:44
et787878910樓 02/22 23:44
yugi256711樓包莖 02/22 23:44
jack168168tw12樓mobilecomm都這樣稱8 gen 1 02/22 23:46
iPhone5Plus13樓... 02/22 23:47
FTICR14樓良率35%這應該是機密 是怎麼傳出了的呢? 02/22 23:47
et787878915樓內鬥放消息洗牌剛好吧 02/22 23:51
ss501059316樓能接受良率35%的產線應該爽到炸 02/22 23:52
chocopie17樓良率35%!簡稱MIKO%,MIKO也直呼內行 02/22 23:54
chunyo022918樓把包莖分出來 包在其他人身上嗎 02/22 23:57
alongalone19樓微妙的新聞 明天開盤台gg了嗎 02/22 23:57
SkyShih20樓一部分包莖? 02/22 23:59
et787878921樓又要開始晶片門抽G蛙做的包莖惹 02/23 00:01
a81008622樓35%還能出貨???封裝廠都沒這種規格 02/23 00:04
good575523樓包莖 plus 很早就有消息要請GG代工了 02/23 00:05
wtl24樓長官到現場看? 應該指著鼻子大罵 給GG生產 我早就去 02/23 00:08
anleyou25樓35%還量產…是要賠到脫褲嗎 02/23 00:09
dhccc26樓這樣不是成本爆高 獵戶座還生的出來嗎 02/23 00:09
wtl27樓渡假了 02/23 00:11
fp73728樓沒50~60也是在出貨了 02/23 00:19
lovecorgi29樓良率35%……完了GG要噴到宇宙了 02/23 00:20
chunfo30樓看來中芯才是三星的對手 02/23 00:24
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