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Russia resumes gas flows to Europe after fears of a total shutdown



記者署名:Silvia Amaro @SILVIA_AMARO


-There had been concerns across the region that there could be a complete
shutdown of gas supplies via the pipeline after it was closed earlier this
month for maintenance.

-Data on operator Nord Stream’s website showed that flows increased from zero
to 29,284,591 kWh/h for 0600-0700 Central European Time Thursday.

-On July 10, the last day of operations before the maintenance work began,
flows were at roughly the same level, just above the 29,000,000 kWh/h.


-運營商Nord Stream網站上的數據顯示,週四中歐時間0600-0700的流量從零增加到


The operator of Nord Stream 1, a key gas pipeline which runs from Russia to
Germany, said Thursday it was in the process of resuming flows to Europe.

There had been concerns across the region that there could be a complete
shutdown of gas supplies via the pipeline after it was closed earlier this
month for maintenance. Flows had been due to be restart Thursday after the
completion of the works.

A spokesperson for Nord Stream confirmed to CNBC via email that the company
is “in process of resuming gas transportation.”

“It can take some hours to reach the nominated transport volumes,” they

Data on operator Nord Stream’s website showed that flows increased from zero
to 29,284,591 kWh/h for 0600-0700 Central European Time Thursday. On July 10,
the last day of operations before the maintenance work began, flows were at
roughly the same level, just above the 29,000,000 kWh/h.

Flows are running at reduced volumes, however, and have been since Russia’s
onslaught in Ukraine with Moscow squeezing supplies to the European region.
But it’s still likely to be a welcome relief to European officials who have
been scrambling to find alternative suppliers to Russian gas.

Germany, and the EU more broadly, have been dependent on Russian fossil fuels
for years and there has been a broad-based attempt to reverse this in the
wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Since March, the EU has negotiated new
gas deals with the United States and Azerbaijan, and has held talks with
Israel and Qatar.

Speaking Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission president, said
Russia was blackmailing Europe and using energy as a weapon. Russia has
repeatedly denied it is weaponizing fossil fuel supplies and the Kremlin was
not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC Thursday.

Leverage for Putin?

Despite news that flows have restarted, the EU will continue to push ahead
with contingency plans in case of a full shutdown in gas supplies from
Russia. The commission has told the 27 EU nations that they need to cut their
gas consumption by 15% until March, in an effort to save energy.

Von der Leyen has said that it is likely that the Kremlin will go ahead with
a complete cut-off of gas supplies to Europe.

“As if Nord Stream 1 going back to 30% today can be read in any way in terms
of Putin’s intention in terms of assuring European gas supply,” Timothy
Ash, economist at BlueBay Asset Management, said in a note Thursday.

“What we know is that Putin has no intention of helping Europe get through
the winter in terms of gas supply without difficulty. He wants a gas and
energy crisis in Europe this winter as this gives him leverage,” he added.

太好了 歐洲最怕的就是能源危機了

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